Dear DSCC: unsubscribe means unsubscribe

I have unsubscribed from the DSCC mailing list, which I never joined, multiple times. Here’s a screen shot of my last unsubscribe session, dated 21 October:

That’s the third screen, after others that mute the unsubscribe option. At this point, “Take a break” is their euphemism for what I really want, which is a divorce. Here’s the confirmation:

And here is the confirming email:

I have earlier ones from June, July and August.

But the DSCC emails keep coming. Here’s just the top of the latest:

So here’s a question for the DSCC, or anyone else who knows: Is this deliberate on the DSCC’s part?

I do believe one should never ascribe to __________ what can also be ascribed to incompetence.

But this is a long time for any incompetence to persist. At a certain point this kind of shit gets hard to read as anything other than intentional. That point was passed two unsubscribes ago.

Whatever the reasons, it’s a great way to piss off voters.

I just completed my fifth known unsubscribe attempt. In the text box under “Please tell us why you are unsubscribing (optional), I just wrote,

See what I wrote here and tweeted here: This will be my 5th unsubscribe attempt. I have no faith it will work any better than the last four, which all failed.

I have no faith this will work. Please prove me wrong, DSCC.

By the way, I’ve long been a political independent, and have found my ass on political sucker lists from both major parties. The difference with the DSCC is that unsubscribe fails with them. Always.

[Later…] Since some have suggested that I only unsubscribed from one mailing, here’s a screenshot I left out of the post:

By the way, it doesn’t say what “ONTRAPORT” is, and the domain is, which goes to an unready wordpress site by the ONTRAPORT name. Strange.

[Later again…]

I got another DSCC email…

…and decided to go through the unsubscribe routine again, because well, hell, why not.

As you see, the choice to unsubscribe is muted:

Then, instead of unsubscribing me when I hit “No, continue unsubscribing,” it gives me this:

Besides suggesting that the reader’s clear intention to unsubscribe actually means “Receive fewer emails,” they make the option to continue unsubscribing barely visible. But I hit it, and got this:

Hitting the red box then got me this:

No confirming email came this time.

I haven’t received another DSCC email yet, but it’s only been a few hours. I have no faith that they won’t keep mailing me shit.

4 responses to “Dear DSCC: unsubscribe means unsubscribe”

  1. Well, Doc, that’s the problem with these socialist gateway drugs: “Once the needle goes in, it never comes out.”

  2. I use Gmail. I’ve stopped worrying about unsubscribing, especially the political emails. You say stop, they never do. Mark it as spam, and never see it again. New address they’re using. Hit spam (and do NOT unsubscribe, even if Gmail wants you to) and forget it.

    Sad, but true.

    1. Thanks, bytehead.

      Alas, I’ve avoided Gmail ever since something went wrong with its SMTP server for me, and it can’t seem to get fixed.

      But I’ll try marking them as spam in my account, which gets most of the political crap, and is on a Rackspace hosted server.

  3. I experience similar challenges with many retailers Doc. It is like the unsubscribe request goes into a black hole. Although I have not been as studious as you to screen cap examples, your post is inspiring me to do so. I can specifically recall receiving a daily dose of holiday offers from Hickory Farms and the unsubscribe never worked. Aren’t there financial compensation statutes for impacted consumers under CANSPAM?

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