Why WQXR is better off as a public radio station

In his comment to my last post about the sale of WQXR to WNYC (and in his own blog post here), Sean Reiser makes an important point:

One of the unique things about the QXR was it’s relationship with the Times. The Times owned QXR before the FCC regulations prohibiting newspapers ownership of a radio station were enacted. Because of this relationship, QXR’s newsroom was located in the NY Times building and news gathering resources were shared. In a precursor to newspaper reporters doing podcasts, Times columnists and arts reporters would often appear on the air doing segments.

It’s true. The Times selling WQXR seems a bit like the New Yorker dropping poetry, or GE (née RCA) closing the Rainbow Room. (Which has already happened… how many times?) To cultured veteran New Yorkers, the Times selling WQXR seems more like a partial lobotomy than a heavy heirloom being thrown off a sinking ship.

For much of the history of both, great newspapers owned great radio stations. The Times had WQXR. The Chicago Tribune had (and still has) WGN (yes, “World’s Greatest Newspaper”). The Washington Post had WTOP. (In fact, the Post got back into the radio game with Washington Post Radio, on WTOP’s legacy 50,000-watt signal at 1500 AM. That lasted from 2006-2008.). Trust me, the list is long.

The problem is, both newspapers and radio stations are suffering. Most newspapers are partially (or, in a few cases — such as this one — totally) lobotomized versions of their former selves. Commercial radio’s golden age passed decades ago. WQXR, its beloved classical format, and its staff, have been on life support for years. Most other cities have lost their legacy commercial classical stations (e.g. WFMR in Milwaukee), or lucked out to various degrees when the call letters and formats were saved by moving to lesser signals, sometimes on the market’s outskirts (e.g. WCRB in Boston). In most of the best cases classical formats were saved by moving to noncommercial channels and becomimg public radio stations. In Los Angeles, KUSC took over for KFAC (grabbing the latter’s record library) and KOGO/K-Mozart. In Raleigh, WCPE took over for WUNC and WDBS. In Washington, WETA took over for WGMS. Not all of these moves were pretty, but all of them kept classical music alive on their cities’ FM bands.

In some cases, however, “saved’ is an understatement. KUSC, for example, has a bigger signal footprint and far more to offer, than KFAC and its commercial successors did. In addition to a first-rate signal in Los Angeles, KUSC is carried on full-size stations in Palm Springs, Thousand Oaks, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo — giving it stong coverage of more population than any other station in Los Angeles, including the city’s substantial AM stations. KUSC also runs HD programs on the same channels, has an excellent live stream on the Web, and is highly involved in Southern California’s cultural life.

I bring that up because the substantial advantages of public radio over commercial radio — especially for classical music — are largely ignored amidst all the hand-wringing (thick with completely wrong assumptions) by those who lament the loss  — or threatened loss — of a cultural landmark such as WQXR. So I thought I’d list some of the advantages of public radio in the classical music game.

  1. No commercials. Sure, public radio has its pitches for funding, but those tend to be during fund drives rather than between every music set.
  2. More room for coverage growth. The rules for signals in the noncommercial end of the band (from 88 to 92) are far more flexible than those in the commercial band. And noncommercial signals in the commercial band (such as WQXR’s new one at 105.9) can much more easily be augmented by translators at the fringes of their coverage areas — and beyond. Commercial stations can only use translators within their coverage areas. Noncommercial stations can stick them anywhere in the whole country. If WNYC wants to be aggressive about it, you might end up hearing WQXR in Maine and Montana. (And you can bet it’ll be on the Public Radio Player, meaning you can get it wherever there’s a cell signal.)
  3. Life in a buyer’s market. Noncommercial radio stations are taking advantage of bargain prices for commercial stations. That’s what KUSC did when it bought what’s now KESC on 99.7FM in San Luis Obispo. It’s what KCLU did when it bought 1340AM in Santa Barbara.
  4. Creative and resourceful engineering. While commercial radio continues to cheap out while advertising revenues slump away, noncommercial radio is pioneering all over the place. They’re doing it with HD Radio, with webcasting (including multiple streams for many stations), with boosters and translators, with RDS — to name just a few. This is why I have no doubt that WNYC will expand WQXR’s reach even if they can’t crank up the power on the Empire State Building transmitter.
  5. Direct Listener Involvement. Commercial radio has had a huge disadvantage for the duration: its customers and its consumers are different populations. As businesses, commercial radio stations are primarily accountable to advertisers, not to listeners. Public radio is directly accoutable to its listeners, because those are also its customers. As public stations make greater use of the Web, and of the growing roster of tools available for listener engagement (including tools on the listeners’ side, such as those we are developing at ProjectVRM), this advantage over commercial radio will only grow. This means WQXR’s listeners have more more opportunity to contribute positively to the station’s growth than they ever had when it was a commercial station. (Or if, like WCRB, it lived on as a lesser commercial station.) So, if you’re a loyal WQXR listener, send a few bucks to WNYC. Tell them thanks for saving the station, and tell them what you’d like them to do with the station as well.

I could add more points (and maybe I will later), but that should suffice for now. I need to crash and then get up early for a quick round trip to northern Vermont this morning. Meanwhile, hope that helps.

115 responses to “Why WQXR is better off as a public radio station”

  1. The world is bigger than classical music and the world of public radio needs to be big enough to encompass more than classical music. Whether right or wrong, WBEZ in Chicago does not have a single hour devoted to classical music, but it is a strong station devoted to creative programming including both local news coverage as well as locally developed content. When I go to a different locale and turn on public radio, if I wasn’t tired before I turned it on, I sure was after. I am not a huge fan of classical music, but I am interested enough to subscribe to a classical music series of 5 concerts annually with a top notch orchestra (not CSO). I realize we are also blessed with another classical station (WFMT) in the region. I am simply making a case to break the reflexive association of public radio and classical music. Public radio deserves better treatment.

  2. Doc, thanks for the link love. I do think that on some level this will save both organizations. Like you I really enjoy and support public radio (I think I first heard about the sale listening to a program on WBAI, another NYC listener supported station).

    Paul: Even ignoring WNYC (since it’s mostly NPR) between WBAI, college stations like WFUV and now WQXR there’s a good cross section of non-commercial radio here, where we get things like local news and talk, ethnic music and the like.

  3. Paul, we’re talking classical music on public radio here because WNYC bought WQXR — a commercial classical station — and because I thought we could elevate discussion of the topic.

    In fact public radio on the whole has been prying itself away from its classical music legacy ever since NPR was created in the early 1970s, and got its start on college and university stations that mostly played classical music. As the number of informational (news, talk, etc.) programs grew, public radio stations found that they did much better with that kind of programming than with classical alone. That’s why WNYC, WUNC, KQED, WBUR, WAMU, WYPR and other mostly-informational stations have been doing so well.

    At the same time, public radio has discovered that it’s possible to serve classical music listeners as a large niche audience, usually with a single station or network devoted to the format. That’s clearly what WNYC intends to do with WQXR. If WNYC follows the example of KUSC, Vermont Public Radio and other public radio outfits that have discovered the wonders of multiple signals, a WQXR network is sure to follow.

    I think we can expect the same for other formats as well, including eclectic ones like WFUV’s, KCRW’s, KEXP’s, WXPN’s and WERS’s. In fact, I think that public radio’s security in its open popularity as a broad collection of program types allows these niche networks to grow.

  4. […] Happy Monday, everybody.  There’s a very nice blog post about WQXR’s switch from commercial to public radio here. […]

  5. […] and Internet: Together Again?’;tweetcount_cnt=0;Steven Hodson over at the Inquisitr and Doc Searls brought up a good point yesterday as he waxed about the impending doom of the print and […]

  6. Doc,

    I have to poke a bit at the idea that public radio doesn’t have commercials. And, no, I don’t mean the fundraising drives.

    Every time I hear “ADM, supermarket to the world” on my NPR affiliate, I cringe at the blatant whitewashing of one of the worlds biggest corporations, oft-maligned for its heavy-handed shenanigans.

    Sure, the commercials are more restrained and couched in the context of sponsorship, but if you think ADM’s contributions and advertisements don’t affect NPR coverage and public opinion, we need to have a longer discussion about corporate manipulation of media.

    That said, NPR is doing a much better job than the for-profit news media at presenting a quality news stream. I think that’s less due to there liberation from advertisers, and, more to their direct appeal to listeners for funding.

    As the latest JOHO notes http://www.hyperorg.com/backissues/joho-aug18-09.html#transparency , transparency is the new objectivity. And, to their credit, public radio owns up regularly to the truth that its financial support comes from both listeners and sponsors. I think that’s the real advantage. Assure that a significant portion of your bottom line is from individuals, and you have a real advantage over companies dedicated to serving their corporate brethren.

  7. The real losers here are the Broadway Shows, arts groups, art galleries and others who will be unable to promote their goods and services.
    WQXR for many years has carried commercials for antique shows, concerts by lesser-known groups, art galleries with less-than-big-name artists to promote, as well as record companies promoting new CDs and artists.

    A non-comm WQXR would not be able to promote these in the way those advertisers could by buying airtime in whatever quantity they deemed necessary to fulfill their goals.

    The FCC rules on commercials on public stations prohibit mentioning price, espousing superlatives (except indirectly) (they can’t say Yo-Yo-Ma is the greatest), and so on. For the Times, the backlash from arts advertisers may be severe: they’ve threatened to boycott the Arts and Leisure section en masse.

    And besides with public radio donations dropping, I wouldn’t sneer at upwards of $6 million in annual revenues from paying advertisers. It worked for 60+ years.

    WFMT Chicago runs commercials, but it is owned by a non-profit TV station.

    1. Running a commercial classical music station is generally a losing proposition. All the growing expertise is on the noncommercial side. In any case, the deal is done. WQXR will be a noncommercial station on 105.9. But, as I said in this post and others, this also opens opportunities. It would be far wiser for the constituencies you mention to pursue those opportunities than to boycott the New York Times. That would hurt the Times while helping nothing. The Times is moving on. WNYC is here to help. Work with WNYC. Work with other groups that support classical music in New York. There is no shortage of those, either.

  8. Doc, I am afraid the whole slant of your column is to promote WNYC no matter what. I was looking for a site on the web that does not whitewash the whole affair, and I’ve only found a short sentence in the Daily News coverage that mentions the disadvantage of the frequency shift. So here’s my take on the situation: shifting off 96.3 is a lousy idea; clearly that frequency is worth more than 105.9 for a reason. Second: we don’t get MORE classical programing in this shift – we get less, as WNYC will drop whatever classical they have left in favor of more talk. (OK, they have the car guys on Saturday morning, but is that the best use of a 15 Kilohertz bandwidth high-fidelity signal?) Third: Will this mean there’s yet ANOTHER frequency in the NYC area that gives me the NPR NEWS feed at 5:00PM?
    Happy as I am to see that WQXR will remain in some form, I find it a sad commentary that classical programming (or some other form of INTELLIGENT program) cannot attract a single commercial outlet in a market as big as New York City. If I have to pay, I may as well just subscribe to satellite radio where I pay once and get lots of channels, rather than public stations that demand my contribution for each different format I choose.
    Does any one in this area remember WNCN? New York used to have TWO commercial classical stations, along with WNYC.
    I was thinking of restoring my 1960’s vintage Avery Fisher FM tuner, but now I’m beginning to think… why bother?

    1. I’m pretty sure WBAI also played classical music.

      1. WBAI played everything.

        A weird fact about WBAI is that for decades it had a signal equal to all the other stations sharing the same antenna on the Empire State Building, equivalent to 50,000 watts at 500 feet. On the original Alford master (32 T-shaped things sticking out of the 102nd floor observation deck, 16 above and 16 below, essentially putting visitors inside one of the densest radio frequency environments on Earth), all stations were 5400 watts at 1220 feet above average terrain. (To get above all the skyscrapers, stations traded wattage for height.) When they all moved up to a new master antenna well above the observation deck, the FCC had recalculated efficiencies at altitude, and made all the full-size stations 6000 watts at 1362 feet above average terrain. That is, all except WBAI, which only got 4000 watts at that altitude. It also could no longer afford rent at the Empire State Building, and moved to a much shorter spire, atop 4 Times Square, where it is now 10000 watts but at only 926 feet, with a signal that slams sideways into a lot of taller buildings. The signal is, relatively speaking, kind of lame. But somehow the station persists.

  9. Doc.

    Don’t know where your destination is in northern Vermont, but I have been heading to the Northeast Kingdom for some 50 years. I was astounded when I learned that Vermont Public Radio had established a translator in Island Pond. Surely there are more bears and moose than classical music fans way up there in Essex County. But this fan will enjoy listening in Charleston. Ever since WEZF in Burlington morphed into the morass of “popular radio”, it has been tough to find classical music (or even easy listening) in the North Country. CBC in Canada still offers some. I also bemoan the move of college stations away from classical music. My introduction to college radio was as the host of “Music From The Podium” on WRPI in Troy in the 50’s.

    I hope WNYC will quickly seize on translators to expand the reach of the new station. Here in Rockland County we still get a respectable signal from the 600 watts on 105.9, but I will miss the reach – and the familar NY Times “feel” of QXR.

  10. Priscilla Alexander Avatar
    Priscilla Alexander

    I just hope that WNYC/WQXR will remain classical in perpetuity. I am one of WNYC’s listeners that stopped listening when it switched to talk (i.e., I can read while listening to music, but talk on radio demands attention directly). I do like to listen to BBC news on WNYC, wouldn’t mind if it aired on WQXR, but mostly, I want to listen to classical music, not talk (even if it is about the music).

    Couldn’t WQXR allow concerts and theatres to run sponsorship tags that announce events succinctly?

  11. Priscilla, I’d suggest writing to WNYC/QXR and letting them know what you’d like.

  12. I would add one more benefit to WQXR becoming a public radio station — an end to the incredibly annoying stock market updates provided by the hosts — as if any serious investor would be listening to WQXR for market info. For the rest of us, it was a total waste of time and transparently pretentious attempt to give the station a gloss as a “serious” radio station.

  13. As I’ve said before wqxr is the first thing I turn on every morning it’s my favorite station. Will they still have our favorite announcers? I sure hope so. I remain a faithful listener. Ann Gray

  14. If they don’t rehire Candice Agree, they don’t want to hear from me what to do with themselves….

  15. Hi Doc,

    I found your Weblog very interesting and informative. Thanks.

    As someone who lives on the fringe and has listened to WQXR for fifty years I have tried the 105.9 frequency and found the reception poor. It is not even suitable for talk radio. It looks like it will be good bye WQXR unless they invest in some translators to save the 14% of their listeners on the fringe. It will really be strange to have the clock radio come on every morning as it has these last fifty years and not hear WQXR.

  16. Vincent, where do you live, exactly? Is there nothing you can do to improve reception at your end?

    If not, consider listening on the Internet. If you have a Mac or a PC, you can listen with iTunes. Let’s see… okay, I’m listening to WQXR right now in Cambridge, Mass in the Radio section of iTunes, under the Classical section. Sounds great.

    If you have an iPhone, you can listen to WQXR with that, using many different radio applications.

  17. Listeners to WQXR should press WNYC to apply for a signal booster for 105.9, so that we loyal listeners can continue to receive the fine quality to which we have been accustomed. Listening on the internet or HD radio is not an option for me.

    Also, during the hours between 12 a.m and 6 a.m. I suggest that WQXR programmers please decrease the amount of vocal music selections– especially atonal or the overly dramatic opera that is non-conducive to relaxation when one is in bed for the night. Good , soothing music beats white noise for us city dwellers. Thank you for the information provided by your blog.

  18. WNYC broadcasts three streams on HD radio. HD2 is deemed “classical,” but carries a peculiar mix of modern esoterica. Does anyone listen? HD3 carries news and talk from WNYC 820AM. Again, is this needed?

    Why can’t WNYC broadcast WQXR as its HD2 stream? If the programmingnow on WNYC HD2 is so valuable, why not kick it up to HD3 and give WNYC AM the boot?

    Would more people listen to WQXR on WNYC HD 2 than who listen to WNYC AM on FM HD 3?

    (Adding HD Radio to 105.9 is not a great option because the digital signal will have even less coverage than the analog.)

  19. Well, it won’t be long (a week or 2!) before some of us (I certainly include myself) can shift from thinking about what might have been or what might be coming … to … what 105.9 looks like at the point in time when it “rolls out” as a classical station.

    I’ve given a great deal of thought to this, and – candidly – there HAVE been some surprises, and as typical where surprises arise, I’m sure some will be pleased and others the opposite. For example – and maybe this was more predictable than *I* think – the programming mavens at the combined WQXR/WNYC “shop” have apparently decided NOT to turn on a dime as far as WQXR’s playlist goes. That is, it’s been announced that – in essence – the composers who accounted for the majority of airtime pre-merger will retain their primacy post-merger.

    Doc, they’re using something you wrote (probably the stuff atop this thread) on wnyc.org, and while I don’t think you’ve been “used” or deceived (as I happen to think is the case with Emanuel Ax), I’d like to (again) test a couple of your points.

    #2 (above) More room for coverage growth…. This is probably the one that sticks in my craw the most/worst! … While I suppose WNYC’s engineers may still be able to pull a rabbit out of the hat, the WNYC forum is replete with complaints that people just a mile or 2 from the Empire State Building (where the signal originates) only get mono or get a weak signal or get a static-y one. Of course, people in important suburbs are reporting that they’ve essentially been “written off”/”shut down”/pick your own metaphor. One person was both eloquent and succinct – “Long Island, with a population larger than all but 12 states, will soon be without a classical music broadcaster.”

    I know the term “paradigm shift” should have been retired a few years back when it littered almost every article anywhere NEAR technology, but if it ever meant something, it does HERE! WNYC happened to make it clear that – for whatever reason – all their webcasting (with its international reach, marketing, technical competence) is still VERY far behind its broadcasting in terms of listenership. I’m sure we both predict that that will change, but it exposes my contention that WNYC (using a small number of wealthy people’s deep pockets) bought an empty box. To say we’re “saving” classical music BROADcasting in the face of a signal (remember, this is MUSIC) that isn’t even remotely equal to the demands of music lovers … while they “tune out” 20% or more of the current audience altogether (by virtue of legal limitations on 105.9’s signal) … makes me think of the “clean coal” campaign or things even more Orwellian.

    Of course, I have to recycle my old argument that if one argues that the future belongs to one’s streams, there must have been better uses for $15 million on WNYC’s part. SO, while public radio stations *COULD* do what you suggest, I suspect that most will not. Whatever the costs of repeaters, translators, etc., they surely produce less bang for the buck than internet-based initiatives. So, the reality is that people who rely on radios – whether in cars or at home – are (MOST of them) going to live to see classical music “turn out the lights.”

    #5 (above) – much more briefly – Direct Listener Involvement…. This paragraph of yours doesn’t really hold up, certainly not in connection with WNYC/WQXR. Just as Vermont’s town meetings are as different as can possibly be from our most recent (in New York) citywide vote (yes, a primary, but one essentially picking the #2 and #3 citywide official) where 10% of those eligible voted –

    WNYC’s “direct listener involvement” is a “tip jar,” plain and simple. Many have argued that here, as almost everywhere, “money talks” – if “Car Talk” “raises” $X during the average pledge drive, and some 1-hour music program raises $0.1X, you’re obviously going to marginalize or eliminate the latter. Some would argue even more strenuously than I would that this HAS already happened, and now we’re just seeing the last little bit of water in the bathtub evaporate.

    I happen to agree with you that however angry one might be with the NY Times over its divestiture of WQXR, boycotting them is pointless. Similarly, WNYC would barely notice (in terms of its all-important – to IT! – P&L) if (WHEN, in my opinion) the number of people who tune into it to hear classical music [I’m thinking of 1/1/09 # of listeners to WQXR plus WNYC] fell 50% or 90%.

    All one can do is HOPE that they serve New Yorkers and citizens elsewhere well in the coming years by virtue of HD radio, the web and whatever else proves to be viable … APART FROM the legacy operation (heading, inexorably, to near-zero) – FM classical music broadcasting.

    (Obviously, but well worth noting, ALL THIS has nothing to do with what they’re “good at” and “care about” – “talk radio.”)

    On a conciliatory note, in a VERY, VERY limited sense, you may be right – “as a public radio station,” it’ll probably take years before this or that chord yields (on WQXR/105.9) one midnight to a replacement non-classical format. But you are more full of “hope” than Bill Clinton and Barack Obama combined, and that still strikes me as profoundly self-delusionary.

    With respect – just a strong diff. of opinion! – ED.

  20. Again, Ed, WQXR got saved. Yes, the signal is diminished. But at least it’s alive. That’s a far better fate than classical FM stations in dozens of other cities.

    As for the rest of it, we’ll see how it goes. WNYC took a lemon and is making lemonade. The difference now is that public radio is a far larger landscape than commercial radio. WNYC is in a position to plant vineyards and make wine in ways that the Times never could with WQXR.

    Bear this in mind: small commercial radio signals all over the country are being sold off by failing companies. Public radio broadcasters meanwhile are buying rather than selling stations. The WNYC move I am sure is the first in a series. Stay tuned.

    You may dismiss the future of radio on the Net, but plenty did the same with AM radio in the ’20s and FM radio even in to the ’70s. The Washington Post donated its FM station — a full-power one as big as WQXR — to Howard University in 1971, because they thought FM would never make it. Now that station (WHUR) is a landmark on the DC FM dial, while the Post’s old AM signal (née WTOP) has long since been dumped as well, and is now WFED: a news station for federal employees.

    Listening on the Net is still relatively small, but it is bound to grow. One doesn’t need “more hope than Clinton and Obama combined” for that. One needs only to see which way the wind is blowing.

  21. Just the quickest of clarifications. I *AM,* if anything, more optimistic about radio over the web than you are! … Which is why I’m baffled by your reading the tealeaves as you do as to this or that public radio station/group expanding via acquisitions of what to me look like “buggy whip factories.” (What you characterize as shrewd obviously strikes me as profligate! When does NPR announce that it’s bidding for GM’s Saturn operation?!)

    I’m very tempted to say that with the rarest of exceptions like the Internet, when the government or non-profits see opportunities that profit-oriented entities deem “over the hill” or not ready for primetime, the folks right of center basically have it right that no small number of tax or donated dollars are about to be “flushed.”

    It’s that “WQXR got saved” mantra – you, too, it appears, have drunk the Kool-Aid they were serving in Jonestown! … Perhaps, it’s your being a continent removed from ground zero.

    I hope this analogy encapsulates our differing outlook – if the fire department put out a nasty blaze at your vacation home and told you over the phone – “It’s not a total loss – your fireplace and chimney made it through,” methinks you’d not be much comforted.

    When a signal goes from beacon-like to candle-like in radio-land, I think the word “saved” is … not the word that best describes the situation.

  22. How can WQXR let go of Annie Bergen?????My 4 year old and I will NOT listen to this station anymore. Her sweet voice, knowledge of classical music and program has helped my 4 yr old daughter truly love “Annie” and the music appreciation. The men on the program are monotone and boring. Well, I guess I will need to play CD’s in the afternoon in my home. STUPID MOVE

  23. Well. Doc, WNYC has decided to put WQXR on WNYC HD2 after all. Not tht HD radio is superior to analog. I can (just bearly receive 105.9 in analog, living on a hill with a direct sight line to the Empire State Building.

    In my office, I can just as easiy listen to KUSC or WCLV.

    Interesting times. I have no interest in Los Angeles traffic tie-ups or Cleveland weather. On the other hand, I deeply respect Robert Conrad and his programmng.

  24. Putting QXR on NYC’s HD side-channel is a good idea. That might have more range than QXR itself. As for 105.9, or any station, there are so many variables involved, not the least of which is the fact that most radios made in the last 10 years, other than those in cars, suck rocks. That goes especially for the radios in home stereo gear. Want to see how well 105.9 should be coming in? Listen in your car.

    If you want to avoid local trivia, there are lots of other classical stations to go after. WCPE in Raleigh, for example. Check around.

    How are the lack of ads on the new QXR doing?

  25. Resa, can you point me to a source on the Web that talks about QXR letting Annie Bergen go? I can’t find anything yet.

  26. Greetings from the Big Apple…. Just tuned into the OLD (everything is in it’s “this is the last 11 AM hour where” and the like.

    I heard the kind of commercial seconds ago (on the Internet) which spoke volumes about the need to “turn off the respirator” or something.

    Right before some fine classical music came a commercial (VERY MUCH “old school”) for a sports radio station in Philadelphia. I’m not a 20th of the radio person that Doc is, but I think everyone has wondered if the “engineers” don’t raise the volume for commercials. WQXR sure did on this occasion…. Anyone else remember the “SUNDAY, SUNDAY” commercials that featured some kind of automobile mayhem. That was the sound quality of this “last day” commercial.

    Of course, WNYC/WQXR will be having a pledge drive in a week or so…. It will be REALLY interesting how that plays out. I can’t believe that “the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know” in this very specific instance, but given the long history of WQXR and its (I’m pretty sure) not young average listener, there may be some who have gotten used to hanging up on telemarketers more than they change the frequency when obnoxious commercials come on….. As I say, we (all) shall see – and, realistically, over a long period of time.

    As for Ms. Bergen – she sounded “valedictory;” I hope that means what I think it does – that Change is a-comin’ and it certainly will affect her and her fans.

    Other than that, there’s just this on the facebook page entitled – ha ha – Save WQXR:

    I think Midge Woolsey is doing day times from 10:00 to 3:00. [Characterized, I think, on that site as a “rumor.”]

    [That is (I’ll give 3-to-1 odds that WAS is the more appropriate word) Ms. Bergen’s slot.]

    WNYC and WQXR are certainly doing precisely the piss poor job of “communicating” that we’ve come to expect from WNYC. The WQXR website – even more than WNYC’s – is in shambles, although they have a VERY lovely graphic (to my eyes) on wqxr.org’s homepage.

    I’m an HD radio believer/lover, so the “last minute” decision to go that route certainly rings my bell! … Last, WMNR.org has always struck me as a fine classical outlet in the NYC area – they don’t do traffic or news, but they do do weather, and their southern CT location ensures that they’re accurately giving NY weather about 95% of the time.

    Intelligent announcers – some more verbal (providing commentary) than others – distinctly a non-slick feel, but not amateurish either. Some are “up there” in years, which is probably a good thing in terms of making WQXR migrants even more comfortable.

    Oh yes, the programming is “war horse heavy,” but not – and here, again, I bow to people who know more than I do about classical music – “top 100.” That is, there’s a very rich playlist, but it skews well “below” 1900.

    If WNYC had more brains than it obviously does, they’d have both a text-rich page AND one heavy with Flash, maybe with a voice-over … telling WQXR devotees HOW TO “do” internet radio. Most people reading these words probably think – “Nothing to it,” but I beg to differ. If they had even more brains (and a little budget), they’d set up a booth in Grand Central Station and in Penn Station (serving Long Island & NJ) to SHOW people how easy internet radio is and – if possible – how good the new HD “stream” WOULD SOUND to folks willing to spend $75 or so.

    That they will NOT do the latter is a bet-the-ranch situation, and it’s way against the odds that they’ll do the former, either.

    Regular readers (he said, tongue in cheek) know that I’m fond of analogies. There’s a lot in this acquisition that reminds me of Wall Street during its very sad last few years.

    Specifically, the decision makers in both cases were (are in WNYC’s case) swinging for the fences because there really was/is a very skewed “risk reward ratio.” That is, you were/are enormously rewarded for success and not really held to account for failure.

    WNYC got almost literally a blank check from a few people who, I guess, wouldn’t really “miss” $10 million – i.e., care a whole lot how it’s spent, … and they’ve pretty much come to take for granted everybody else – underwriters and contributors, large & small…. And they’ll “report” to all – as surely as the sun rises in the East – that they DID save classical radio broadcasting in America’s first city (especially re classical music) … AND that their listenership and supporters have increased X% and Y%, respectively.

    Just don’t trouble them with questions like “Could those goals have been achieved without spending $15 million?!” … or … “Could they have served more listeners far, far better than they did had they handled some of the details – like what programming airs on what frequencies – more adroitly?!”

  27. DOC – IF/WHEN you “moderate” – PLEASE change my first “it’s” to “its,” so that I don’t appear as illiterate as I would otherwise.

    ALSO, if you can/will, please add these 3 sentences to the paragraph that ends with “1900”:

    And their non-music announcements and “underwriting” are 3-4 times LESS intrusive than WNYC/WQXR’s and only half as frequent, too. NOTE to folks who like their radio over-the-air and not HD: WMNR’s 88.1 pretty much blankets most of Fairfield County in CT, and their 100.7 serves some of Long Island’s wealthiest communities. And while I could be wrong, I don’t think they do pledge drives – at all!

  28. Yeah, it’s official – on the 12:30 Market News Update, Annie Bergen confirmed that this IS her last show on WQXR.

    BTW, I have a nice fast “internet” at work but 99 cent headphones. I think that WQXR.org has (don’t know how the merger will or won’t affect it) an absolutely top-of-the-line sound quality. (“sampling,” “bit rate,” “Ashton-Martin db index value,” whatever.)

    I guess we all do well to remember that “capitalism” (no – nothing too “out there”) has its good points and less good ones – economic “survival of the fittest” is like the one from Nature’s kingdom – sometimes, not pretty, but MAYBE!! better than the alternative – at least sometimes.

    So maybe, the good doctor is 100% right – don’t quote me! – in saying that –

    “WQXR is better off as a public radio station.” Certainly, it’s in accord with the old saw:

    “Getting older may be taxing at times, but it sure beats the alternative!”

  29. VERY last thing – this from the “welcome to the new WQXR” message from Ms. Laura Walker, head honcho at WNYC:

    “… WQXR veterans Jeff Spurgeon, Midge Woolsey and Elliot Forrest …”

    Don’t know who else (besides Annie Bergen) “failed to make the cut,” but let’s hope that they all land on their feet! One hears that displaced journalists in places like Denver – some of them – are launching or joining web-only ventures, but one has to be more than optimistic to think that they are now or will ever earn what they were with their former employers – and classical music is clearly less robust than even big city newspapers. But Annie worked at Bloomberg – NOT now or ever a classical music broadcaster – before WQXR, so she and the others will join literally millions of Americans this year in “weighing their options.”

  30. We will miss Annie Bergen, as well. A great loss to the WQXR family. While we listen to a variety of classical music stations from around the country through the Internet, we were always drawn back to WQXR to listen to Annie Bergen’s program not only for the appealing quality of her voice, but for her intelligent, friendly commentary.

  31. Check the new WQXR schedule on the WNYC Web site. Annie Bergen is not on it. Neither is Candice Agree. The station’s two best announcers are not going over.

  32. Annie said on the air during her lovely sign off that she expects to do some part time work at the New QXR.

  33. Wll, this is it. Annie Bergen appears to be out of work as a full-time host at the “new” candlelight WQXR. She indicated, at just before three this afternoon, that she might continue be a part-time host. Hourly wages, no heath benefits … whatever. No, she didn’t say that. I did. WNYC appears to have given her the heave-ho as a full-time employee.

    This is a cultural disaster, especially for those who live more than 25 miles from the Empire State building. And for Annie Bergen! Can you imagine what Annie Bergen things of Emmanual Ax, for hyping the diminishment of the “new” WQXR.

    Annie Bergen will come out on top. After all, she survived the collapse of WNCN. She got out of Bloomberg radio (WBBR) while the getting was good. But where is there for her to go?

  34. Wll, this is it. Annie Bergen appears to be out of work as a full-time host at the “new” candlelight WQXR. She indicated, at just before three this afternoon, that she might continue be a part-time host. Hourly wages, no heath benefits … whatever. No, she didn’t say that. I did. WNYC appears to have given her the heave-ho as a full-time employee.

    This is a cultural disaster, especially for those who live more than 25 miles from the Empire State building. And for Annie Bergen! Can you imagine what Annie Bergen things of Emmanual Ax, for hyping the diminishment of the “new” WQXR.

    Annie Bergen will come out on top. After all, she survived the collapse of WNCN. She got out of Bloomberg radio (WBBR) while the getting was good. But where is there for her to go?

  35. From what I gather here, here and elsewhere on pages linked to from those, WNYC needs to be more aggressive in explaining what it’s doing with WQXR: a cultural institution it saved — though not completely, and not in a way that will keep the station exactly as it was). More needs to be said about why, for example, Annie Bergin is gone, or partly gone, or whatever the story is.

    Public radio is, by its nature, far more accountable to listeners, to community, than private radio. For better and worse, WQXR is now a public station. This involves a very different institutional structure than what it had at the New York Times. This new structure needs to be much more obvious and functional. There needs to be a WQXR blog. The station needs to tweet (and not just for promoting stuff). The WQXR website needs to be current. (It still says 96.3). Most of all, WQXR needs an indentity — with management, staff and mission — that are independent of WNYC. As this happens over time, blogging and tweeting about it are essential.

    I have a feeling that the QXR folks are holding off on this kind of thing until they fix the website. If so, it’s backwards. There is an emergency going on. The station just survived an earthquake. It emerged smaller, and can only get bigger in new ways. Improving the signal is, in at least the short run, an impossibility. But other possibilities, such as ones I reviewed above and in other posts, are potentially very large and significant. WQXR has an opportunity to become THE classical music media institution of the Internet Age. So do lots of other stations, but none of those are called WQXR, and none are in New York.

    Meanwhile, community members like me, and the readers here, weigh in. We all do what we can.

    [A few hours later…] WQXR just put up a new website, complete with three blogs. Not many comments yet.

  36. Mostly good news on this first full day for WCAA.

    My Sony HD Radio would smile if it could – 105.9 comes in clear as a bell. J&R probably has 1 or 2 on the shelves – excellent alternative to internet radio for some. No install trickery, but I suppose results will vary in terms of one’s location, how much metal is in or near your site, etc.

    Jeff Spurgeon – 1st time ever hearing him – is delightful; a good morning person is probably a little harder to find than most slots.

    Now, some “quibbles,” and I’ll go back into “lurk mode.”
    1) The link just above my post (to WQXR… from Doc) fails to resolve, because the intern working on the QXR website didn’t make the site function unless you put www. before the W in WQ.
    2) A little irony – with my outlook going from stormy to sunny as D-Day came (or has come), Doc seemed to take the trouble to read some of my fellow grumpy New Yorkers (grumpy about this or that aspect of the “move”) and “barked” at WNYC. Oh well, who said consistency was all that virtuous?

    LAST – seconds after it aired – Jeff just announced that Annie Bergen IS a “keeper;’ i.e., she’s “on staff.” No details provided, but he said she “went through training” yesterday…. Maybe, the new person from Cincinnati went apt. hunting in NYC last weekend and bailed. Who knows?

    My “takeaway” from the deal as it’s played out – WNYC handled things not very differently from Citigroup, where I worked at one point. Heavy on the “here’s what the boss wants done – let’s get it done!” … VERY light on “let’s get some of the stakeholders on board with our plans and goals.”

    As I think I said a month or so ago – If one’s favorite restaurant closes or goes downhill, one generally can/will find a replacement. Thank heavens, WNYC really HAS arranged for 2 or 3 ways people who loved WQXR can continue to enjoy it. [Those who “drove” with the old WQXR on ??] And for those who “have a problem” with this or that aspect of the new WQXR or the new WNYC, there really are lots of alternatives, although – to be honest – most of them are web-based.

    THINK ABOUT IT – we “lost something” when horses yielded to automobiles. (Maybe, our planet is on a kind of death watch as a result – the jury appears to be out on that still.) BUT we gained many things, too. And the words “get over it” may not have been used 100 years ago, but that was probably the right thing to do – then – and it’s probably the right thing to do – NOW.

  37. An oddity – maybe, you can shed light.

    It’s not like a well-planned survey with top flight data, but looking at several places where listeners to WNYC/WQXR (=? 93.9 / 105.9), there seems to be a “bias” toward the West.

    That is, more people report SUCCESS in NJ. Long Island seems to have been written off.

    Actually, I suspect that those coverage maps would have predicted something like that, although one can certainly ask whether WNYC has done enough about it!!

    But the real head-scratcher is the number of people IN NEW YORK CITY who say that – some of them – “I can SEE the Empire St. Bldg., but I cannot raise 105.9 on my set.”

    This is clearly not an altogether academic question, because a fund-drive is just a few days from launch, and WNYC is not run by visionaries who take a long view – if “the new WQXR” stinks up the joint in terms of begging for $, it’s easy to imagine further changes in programming that knock some more nails into the WQXR coffin. AND it makes it that much less likely, in my opinion, that WNYC will earmark funds to whatever might improve the situation.

    I think I’ve read you, Doc, say that most radios (except autos’) made in the last 10 years have been “budget” engineered, but there are listeners who swear that theirs is exc. gear and currently brings in some other low wattage NY signals.

    WNYC seems to have settled on the response – “It’s your antenna, stupid!” Does that sound right to you? … Is there a good site – not sure whether that means detailed or “straightforward” – that you’d suggest in terms of … “try this or that and you’ll probably solve the problem.”

    LAST, there seems to be some (extra) lint in this thread – one double-post, one something awaiting moderation, maybe some other stuff. I’m sure “maintaining” a blog is more of a chore than fun, but I’m guessing that you’ve been getting TONS of traffic.

  38. Three answers. First, New Jersey is farther from WHCN on 105.9 (same channel as QXR) in Hartford, which certainly compromises WQXR to the east and northeast. Second, Manhattan is full of multipath: reflected signals. At any given place in Manhattan space, some stations are going to be doing better than others. Take a portable radio, walk around an apartment listening to any one station’s signal and see what happens. Crappy reception happens to all signals in some places. Third, new radios are especially bad at what we used to call “front end overload” or “blanketing.” Strong signals obliterate weaker ones elsewhere on the band. Sometimes the best approach is to shorten or even eliminate the antenna. If you can see the top of the Empire State Building and not get WQXR, that’s almost certainly your problem.

    WNYC would do well to research what radios suffer least from blanketing, and recommend those to listeners in the City.

  39. http://www.wholehousefmtransmitter.com/

    Ever hear of this? … or its “breed?” … Sounds like – of course, I’m giving the vendor every benefit of the doubt as to functionality – it’s a good answer to the many who like listening to “the radio” in more than one room. I’m guessing that most of the people upset about the WNYC/WQXR changes (and the volume – in both senses – of upset people is still on the rise!) DO have a computer, but some combination of “low-end speakers” and “mobility” (going from room to room) have their knickers in a twist. (BTW, I learned of this gizmo – I’m not shilling for them – because somebody on a WNYC forum said it was money well spent for him. . . . Good thing, sometimes – these blogs & stuff!)

  40. I haven’t tried this one. The 150-foot range is ambitious and possibly illegal, as it says here, “Unlicensed broadcasts on the FM broadcast band (88 to 108 MHz) are limited to a field strength of 250 µV/m at a distance of 3 meters from the antenna. This is equivalent to 0.01 microwatts.” 250 µV/m is listenable, but getting weak. By the inverse square rule, you’re looking at 125 µV/m at 6 meters, 67.5 µV/m at 12 meters, 33.75 µV/m at 24 meters and 16.9 µV/m at 48 meters. Between those last two points you’ve passed 150 feet. A good radio will hear a signal down to about 2 µV/m, but not a listenable one. And not in stereo. And there aren’t many good radios.

    I’ve built a couple of Ramsey units, which are quite good. (And, once built, not quite legal, in some cases.)

    But you’re right that something like this would be a good bridge from a live stream to a home FM radio. If it works.

  41. As this is the first time I have seen this blog, and new to the form, may I introduce myself. I am 72 years old and an electronics engineer, now retired, for 50 years.

    I have been listening to the new WQXR now for two weeks, and, frankly, the results are dreadful. First the audio feed has a deliberate 10-12 dB boost in the 50-300 Hz range, making both voice and music thick, muddy, and almost unintelligible. Also, something on the feed, possibly an audio level compressor, sometimes abruptly drops the level 30-35 dB, then suddenly pops up with an enormous DC transient that leaves my ears ringing with headphones on! Furthermore the webstream, formerly in stereo at 96 kb/sec., has been reduced to mono only at 32 kb/sec. I can only presume that the changes are to comply with the drastic restrictions of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act of 1998.

    I discovered, from careful listening, that the old WQXR once each hour would interrupt the audio feed for 200 msec., then later the same hour would distort the feed for 200 msec. to comply with the DMCA. This was still the case, with full stereo webstream, on October 7, 2009, yet these drastic changes were needed after the changeover the next day. As a legal layman, I do not understand why the former arrangement was no longer in compliance with the law.

    Ever since I first started listening to WQXR as a first-grader in 1943, I have always marveled at the technical excellence of the entire operation. Not any more it would seem!

    Much of the problem stems from WNYC publicly reducing WQXR to a state of complete colonial dependence. WQXR’s management, half the announcers, and the entire programming department were fired, producing near chaos. Its studios at Fifth Avenue and 18th Street were closed and merged with the WNYC studios at Varick Street. There seems to be an attitude that WQXR will get whatever crumbs fall off the edge of the table, apparently including audio line equipment that actually meets specs!

    A major concern, which I have passed on to people I know at WQXR, including Jeff Spurgeon and Midge Woolsey, is that the reduced coverage, with ERP of 600W instead of 6000, will cost 25-30 per cent of listeners. High dissatifaction with the new regime may claim another 20 per cent. As pledges must come from this reduced pool, this is not a good omen!

    I have also noticed that WQXR now repeats many of the same selections over and over every three days or so. I wonder if somehow the station has put itself into a legal noose, where most of its vast record library couldn’t be broadcast in any form any more.

    If there is any of the bloggers seeing this post who could enlighten me about all this, I would greatly appreciate it, as, in addition to a queasy stomach, I am slowly pulling my hair out trying to make some sense of this.

  42. Thanks, Lewis.

    I’m amazed that this thread has been active for so long, but here we are.

    I’m not in a position to listen to WQXR over the air, but I can get it online, where it’s currently 64kb stereo (or so iTunes says). Sounds like it, too. Meaning, not too bad, considering; but not too good, either.

    They should have multiple streams.

    I find 32kb ideal for car listening, because it works on GPRS (“Edge”) as well as 3G. Less drop-out. But it’s nice to have a choice. Many stations provide that.

    Have you tried writing to WQXR on its own comments pages, or in response to any of the blogs at the website?

  43. I did comment on an announcers blog; the station itself does not have one. A serious problem as I see it is that WNYC’s management seems to have a well-deserved reputation of being aloof and dismissive of all complaints for some years now. That is one reason many of us were apprehensive about this merger in the first place. The attitude appears to be, “This is what you get; take it or leave it!”

    I really think that these people are incapable. They have tried to do so much at once that they can’t get their hands around this greased pig at all. Knowing our listeners as well as I should after two-thirds of a century, there is going to be heavy trouble soon.

  44. Station is weak , but ok three miles from Empire State in N. J. Unless a 24 hr. upcoming schedule is provied on the site QXR can go fish. Cable TV has two excellent Music Choice classical stations, DirecTV has two Sirius classical stations….all are excellect…lack of old vocal recordings are the big missing part.

  45. I understand that many of the old staff of WQXR gathered last Saturday in Ossining. Said to be there were Lloyd Moss, Clayelle Dolfores, June Labelle, Nimet — possibly others. Was this a wake? If the new, diminished WQXR fails — lack of support, poor coverage, poor sound — how would WNYC get rid of it? Maybe some group could take it off their hands, move it down the dial into the public radio band and set up a series of translators. Meanwhile, here’s an idea for mischief: could a group challenge WQXR’s license on grounds that the station does not serve Newark, having neither its studio nor transmitter there or even in New Jersey? My feeling is that WQXR is now a lamed horse. Kill it.

  46. Tom’s suggestion to kill WQXR is reminiscent of Vietnam: “We had to destroy this village in order to save it!” What is needed is to break the grasp of stubborn and incompetent management, especially WQXR’s state of lowly dependence, à la Oliver Twist: “Please, sir, may we have stereo webstream? Please, sir, may we have line amplifiers with flat response?”

    The numbers suggest the mess management has blundered into. As of July 1, 2009, WQXR’s audience was about 800,000. Now with reduced coverage, a realistic figure would be 550,000, plus or minus. Intense dissatisfaction with this new regime may reduce this to 400-450,000. As typically only 10 per cent of any public-broadcast audience actually pledges, this will put management in a very serious financial bind. Need I add that both Albany and Trenton are sharply reducing aid to public broadcasting, due to their own budget shortfalls.

    Its time for people at the top to “wake up and smell the coffee.” This sorry situation can still be saved, but our listeners are already close to open revolt.

    (Incidentally, I believe the nominal Newark is there in the license to make New York Public Radio eligible for state aid from Trenton.)

  47. It seems like everyone wants to kill off classical music on the radio, starting with NPR. Buying WQXR allowed WNYC to dump classical music from 93.9 — something I hear they have wanted to do for years. The same situation is playing out in Boston, I believe, where WGBH has bought what’s left of WCRB. Maybe Doc can enlighten us as to what is going on there.

    I would love to see a coverage map of the new WQXR. My understanding is that FM signals are often directional, although not so much as AM signals. Betcha 105.9 is directed away from Connecticut and Long Island, maybe ever away from Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Queens. As it is, I can’t scare up a listenable signal anywhere. That includes Brooklyn. At home, in Connecticut, WNYC HD-2 is subject to drop outs. The signal is poorly equalized and compressed. 105.9 is barely receivable. The web stream via iTunes is abominable. Never mind WQXR is better off as a public radio station. Is WQXR better off dead?

  48. Stop complaining. We almost lost WQXR. We didn’t. So it changed, get used to it. The change is not as dramatic or ominous as I had thought. Yes I miss some of my hosts, but we have kept Jeff, Midge, Elliott and Annie. Kudos for WNYC for such an artful blending.

    There are very serious world issues. There is a serious recession. People are out of work, losing their homes and all hope. WQXR in its new format offers solace to the soul in these trying times.

  49. Tom, if it weren’t for public radio, there would be almost no classical music on the air. (Plenty on the Net, of course, but that’s because the Net isn’t a band. There is no limit to what can be put onto it, which is why it will eventually obsolete AM and FM. But let’s not go there. Yet.)

    What’s happening to public radio in the U.S. is that it’s coming increasingly to resemble a cross between the BBC and podcasting. The BBC has services for news, fine arts (including classical and jazz), popular music, sports, news and features of many kinds. Podcasting is programs as you like them (in both content and time — you listen when you like, rather than when it is broadcast).

    News and information is far more popular on public radio than classical music. That’s just a plain fact. WNYC will do far better — and bring in far more money to do stuff like saving WQXR — by being primarily a source of news and information programming. All across the country, public stations that have moved from partly or mostly classical to information programming and have done much better with the latter. KQED, KUOW, WUNC and WNYC are just four of them. In each case they made these moves when there were other sources of classical music on the dial. KQED had WDFC in San Francisco, KUOW had KING in Seattle. WUNC had WCPE in Raleigh, and WNYC had WQXR in New York. So, when WQXR went on the blocks (the NY Times was shopping the station for sure), WNYC did the right thing by scooping up as much as they could, bad new signal and all. In the process, WNYC with its AM, FM, Net, HD and WQXR outlets is becoming like the BBC, and like, say, Minnesota Public Radio.

    By the way, are jazz fans complaining about WBGO’s signal? It’s much smaller than WQXR’s new one. Are indy music fans who like WFMU and WFUV complaining about those stations’ signals? Well, yes; but that’s beside the point: something beats nothing, and that’s what New York was going to get if WNYC hadn’t bought WQXR.

    As for the signal, for what it’s worth, WQXR is non-directional. It the nearest station on the same channel (105.9) is WHCN in Hartford, which transmits from a point much closer to New York than Hartford itself. It’s worth noting that WHCN origially stood for Hartford Concert Network, and was a sister of WNCN, the classical station long gone from 104.3 in New York City. Follow that last link and you’ll get some perspective on classical music on the radio in general. It has been a losing proposition for many years as commercial service.

    Where WQXR is just weak, WHCN is directional, to protect WQXR’s signal, to some degree.

    Here is a WQXR coverage map: http://radio-locator.com/cgi-bin/pat?call=WQXR&service=FM&status=L&hours=U

    Here is WHCN’s technical info, including its directional pattern (scroll down).

    And here is WHCN’s coverage map.

    Note the overlap in Connecticut and Long Island. That’s the main problem.

    For what it’s worth, nearly all FM stations in the East are weak.

    That’s the way the FCC set things up in the first place. The strong stations are in the small cities. Check this coverage map for WUNC in Chapel Hill:


    Its antenna is at about the same height as those on the Empire State Building: 1370 feet or so. But instead of being 600 or 6000 watts (the power of the old WQXR on 96.1), it’s 100000 watts. You can get it well from Winston-Salem to far beyond Raleigh to the East. And stations like WUNC can go up to 2000 feet before they need to cut the power.

    HD is nice enough; but it is a gimmick: a proprietary add-on that very few people listen to, with good reason: it’s not easy. I have an HD radio here, and you have to wait for the HD symbol to come up and then tune again to get HD-1 and HD-2 (if stations bother with the second one). Yes, we do listen here (near Boston) to WGBH-HD1, which is the classical service. But it sounds much better over the Net. My wife finds it easier just to tune in WCRB.

    For what it’s worth, WCRB was supposed to be saved once before. And it is being saved again, this time for real, by WGBH. If you want to know the stories behind both, good reports are on Wikipedia.

    By the way, it’s worth noting that WGBH has stuck with classical and fine arts broadcasting in Boston despite having its butt kicked in the ratings by WBUR, which has a weaker signal but a format like WNYC’s. (WGBH is grandfathered at 100000 watts at 650 feet — by wattage alone the top dog in the Northeast.) has totally kicked butt in the ratings by broadcasting news and information. Now, will WGBH change, since it has WCRB to cover classical? Probably not, since WCRB is in Lowell, up near New Hampshire, while WGBH is on a hill south of Boston. Here’s WGBH’s coverage map. But, I dunno. The smart thing for GBH to do, financially, is drop classical from the big signal and put it on the smaller one. Then maybe beef up to the south by buying failing small FM stations and making a network out of it. I suspect we’ll see more of that.

    I’m looking forward to a noncommercial WCRB, by the way. The commercials on it now are annoying.

    I’ll pay to support it too. Never did that with the commercial version.

  50. Doc’s comment is well taken, but I should amplify a bit. If WNYC had made WQXR a co-equal, with its own autonomous management, under the overall umbrella of New York Public Radio, and kept it as intact as possible, all might have been well, especially with its tight-knit staff with hundreds of years of experience. I believe that with a reduced but fiercely loyal audience, pledges could have exceeded 20 per cent of listeners, instead of typically less than 10 per cent for public broadcasting. That would have been over 100,000 pledges or $6 million minimum right there.

    Instead, WQXR was made a colonial dependency of WNYC itself, with wholesale firings of staff and moving WNYC’s people in, creating something akin to a foreign-occupation regime. One has only to look at the station’s blogs to see how furious many listeners are already. On top of that is the poor quality of sound transmission, something I’ve never experienced before in 66 years as a listener. The FM feed is very badly equalized, and the webstream is pathetic–only 32 kb/sec in mono only! It almost seems that WNYC is trying to drive away as many WQXR listeners as it can. (I think now that active WQXR pledges could fall below 30,000.)

    Yale historian Paul Kennedy describes the step too far that ends in disaster as “imperial overstretch.” This appears to be what has happened in this case. Such mergers are extremely demanding of management, and many fail badly, like AOL-TimeWarner. To this long-time observer, no emulsifier will make WQXR and WNYC’s management mix in the same container. By the end of 2010, one or the other will have to go.

  51. It’s Halloween. Boo! The station at 105.9 FM is masquerading as WQXR.

  52. Lewis, for what it’s worth I’m listening to the audio in Palo Alto, CA right now over iTunes. It’s 64kb, for what that’s worth. Might be mono. Not sure. It’s a solo piano piece. The data rate may be chosen so it works on iPhones over 3G connections. Frankly, I think they should offer multiple stream rates. What do you hear when you go to http://www.wqxr.org/stream/wqxr/mp3.pls ?

  53. Doc, this webstream address, above, does not work for me, probably because I only have dial-up here. That’s why I use the FM feed. Other bloggers have found 64 kb/sec, but no better sound than 32k.

    My larger point is that, except for the demise of grating commercials, absolutely everything about the new WQXR is demonstrably much worse than the old one. That is why so many listeners are really steamed up. There is only one reason for this: really bad, incapable management. I was in aerospace electronics for over 30 years, and I know what lousy managers look like. The problems these people have created and the thousands of listeners they have alienated show first hand just how incapable they have been. I expect little or nothing good from them at all.

    Frankly, I worry what will happen in a year’s time when with rising internal problems and dwindling pledges, management blithely asserts that WQXR no longer has any listener support.

    I am a stubborn loyalist who would rather keep the faith. However, the WQXR blogs report so many other classical webstreams free of all these headaches that I may try one of those if I ever get a high-speed connection back here so far from the main road.

  54. Actually, Lewis, WQXR might turn into a cash cow for WNYC, with “support” from arts organizations, in exchange for commercials — er, announcements. It looks like there will be plenty of non-commercials on so-called WQXR, maybe so many it won’t matter how many dollar bills listeners tuck into the tip jar. You’ll pay for WQXR each time you buy concert tickets. Doc should be prepared up in Beantown: there may be more non-commercials on the new WCRB than there were commercials on the old. This could be a pretty neat business model. I do miss Annie Bergen and her wrinkle cream, however.

  55. I am pleased to know that I am not alone after all in dealing with this disastrous fiasco concerning the take-over of WQXR by WNYC. We have been abandoned here on Long Island. I suppose it’s better than having lost it altogether but there should have been more thought given to the consequences. It was bad enough when WNCN went out and then WNYC converted to talk but this is disastrous. The one bright spot for us on LI is the fact that we can just about get WSHU from across the sound (which got the old WNCN music library). The signal is weak here in mid-Nassau County but it’s the only alternative for us. We have a multitude of Academic stations (Stony Brook, Hofstra, CWPost, Nassau Community) but they primarily broadcast talk and rock and the signals are weak. Considering NY Metropolitan area as a cultural center is laughable when you can’t get decent classical radio.

  56. Given the economics of both commercial and noncommercial radio, WNYC buying WQXR and keeping it alive on a second-rate channel was the best that could have been done. It would have been great if the New York Times had sold WQXR to as wealthy benefactor, who in turn would have kept it alive as-is. But the number of potential benefactors — at least the ones who like classical music — has been shrinking. WQXR’s old channel (96.3) brought $33.5 million. That’s a lotta dough. On top of that the new management would have had to operate the station at a loss as a commercial station or with reduced expenses as a noncommercial station.

    But the worst problem for a potential buyer is the fact that FM is the new AM, and that both AM and FM are ancient technologies kept alive by the automobile industry, which still installs radios by default in new cars. If that were to stop tomorrow, the business would be toasted.

    There are better ways to distribute radio programming.

    I’m listening to WQXR right now in Boston, over iTunes. I can listen to it anywhere in my car or while traveling within cell range on my iPhone. That’s the future. The past is still available, within a limited range of space and time, on over-the-air radio.

  57. Here’s a suggestion for Myron on Long Island. If you are listening through a component hi-fi system, get yourself a Sony XDR-F1 HD tuner for as little as $74. I find that I can receive both 105.9 in analog and WNYC HD2, which broadcasts WQXR via hybrid digital (HD Radio). I agree with Doc that HD Radio is a gimmick. But the tuner is great. I am 48 miles from the Empire State Building as the crow flies (it helps that I live on a hill), in Fairfield County, Connecticut. I shouldn’t be able to get WQXR on 105.9 because of WHCN in Hartford on the same frequency; but I do. A good antenna is a must. For an indoor antenna, I suggest the C. Crane Reflect for about $30. It works better than an ordinary dipole, but I don’t understand why. I also pick up WQXR at 105.9 on a Sangean WR-2 table radio. All these products, including the C. Crane antenna, are available from Amazon. Myron, unless you live in a gulley, you should be able to get WQXR in Nassau County. You just have to work at it. A crappy tuner or table radio won’t cut it. By the way, it does seem like Doc is eager to bury over-the-air radio. Not so fast, Doc. This isn’t like shortwave.

  58. Good advice, Tom.

    For what it’s worth, I’m not eager to bury over-the-air radio; I’m just treating it as the post-mature technology that it is. To Myron, I’d go beyond the C. Crane indoor antenna, and put up a roof antenna like one of these. On Long Island you can also use a directional outdoor antenna such as one of these to null out Hartford and get WQXR just fine.

  59. Thanks guys. I appreciate your advice and comments very much. Actually I can get WQXR out her on Nassau/Suffolk border fair-like using my home made antenna (better then my old S-shaped multi-directional) but it’s my friend who lives in Garden City and is closer to the transmitter by 10 miles. She lives in an an apartment house facing East with another apartment house in between. She is the reason we need AM/FM. Her radio is on all day. She thrives on classical music and non-constant news. She is technologically illiterate. Like me (we’re in our 80s) we can just about master the cell phone although I do use the computer constantly I find it difficult to keep up with developments. She can’t put up a roof antenna because the building won’t allow it. HD radio is new to us but I guess I’ll have to look into it for her sake. Thanks a whole lot for the suggestion. By the way, I understand the commercial realities but I still believe a region of 8mil + should be able to provide its cultural minority a cultural outlet.

  60. I understand, Myron. Other possibilities…

    1) WSHU. In addition to their main transmitter in Connecticut on 91.1, they have a bunch of translators, including one in Huntington Station on 91.3. Unfortunately, it has a dent in the signal in the direction of Garden City. Still, if she’s in an apartment building facing that direction, she may get it well.

    2) Sirius/XM satellite radio, which has a number of classical streams. Set it up once and let it sit.

    3) A laptop. If she has anything better than dial-up, even a used Macintosh computer should do the job. iTunes is not very complicated, as computer stuff goes.

    Anyway, good luck to you.

  61. Doc’s Sirius/XM suggestion is serious, Myron. I am a 67-year old geezer. My more grizzled friend is 79 and a technophoble. He loves his satellite radio. HD Radio might work for your friend in Garden City better than it does for you 10 miles further away. If you have something to connect it to, the Sony HD tuner would be my choice. You absolutely need an external antenna to pick up HD. You can start with the one that comes with the Sony — or the radio. Try moving the antenna around — a matter of inches can mean you get HD or you don’t. Try the usual stuff, like siting the radio and antenna near a window even if it faces the wrong direction. HD Radio is said to work well close to the transmitter and in crowded urban environments. It works much less well 30 or more miles from the transmitter. My guess is that Garden City is about 20 air miles from the Empire State. Lots of luck and let us know how this turns out.

  62. […] longest thread in the history of this blog belongs to Why WQXR is better off as a public radio station, which I posted on July 26, and still has comments this month. The post followed a complex deal by […]

  63. The incorporation of WQXR into WNYC is a disaster in my opinion.

    As of this week it is true their internet streaming is now improved and offered in 128 Kbs stereo, but that is hardly making up for the inadequate hosts on the station, some of whom cannot pronounce composers’ names properly.

    Today there were many deletions of comments placed by critical listeners on the WQXR blogs. The erasures are sure to anger people further. It is a total nightmare.

  64. Sean, is the the current (your metaphor here) not preferable to WQXR going away in a sale to a typical commercial operator (which would be sure to get rid of the classical music)?

  65. Thank you for your question, Doc.

    I don’t know for sure if a typical commercial operator would get rid of classical music when it comes to a purchase in the New York market, because I think the New York market is somewhat different than the other models discussed earlier. But I’m clearly no expert. I defer to you, and of course time will tell us what will evolve… or disintegrate.

    To the people who are not happy with WQXR now and who have turned it off in favor of other audio streams and music players like Last.fm, it already seems that the New York market is not offering them classical music (post purchase of WQXR) as they want it. They have already moved on. That is the feeling I am hearing and reading from those people, because they already see classical music as extinguished from their radio listening.

    I will keep reading your blog for more insight and understanding.
    Thank you again!

  66. Thanks for the kind words, Sean.

    There are very few commercial classical stations left in the U.S., and the simple reason is a combination of ratings and income. Even if the ratings are there, there is less inventory to sell because a classical audience won’t tolerate the ad load typical of news, sports or popular music. So if you’re going to hear classical music in a major market, you’re going to get it from a noncommercial station.

    As for WQXR, I’m hoping that WNYC didn’t waste the money. But, we’ll see.

  67. Thanks, Doc, for keeping this going. This may be the only uncensored bulletin board/discussion group for the new WQXR. I agree with Sean about at least one of the announcers, who lectures listeners on composers and their music … and then refers to Sergei Diaghilev as “surge,” as in troop surge. (I believe that Koussevitsky DID anglicize his name to “surge,” but that’s another Sergei. Duke Ellington, his friend, called him Surge, and wrote a composition, “Blue Serge.”)

    Meanwhile, surprise, surprise, WCRB DOES appear to be better off as a public radio station. It may be my new Internet favorite. It doesn’t hurt that I’m originally from Massachusetts and grew up on WCRB and WGBH. The programming is intelligent; the announcers are amiable; there aren’t many interruptions; and the Internet stream (on both I Tunes and Real Player) sounds way better than what I’ve been able to scare up for WQXR. So based on three days on the air, Bravo, WCRB. Listeners disgusted with WNYC/WQXR take heart!

    Here’s another mischievous idea. Could WGBH set up a network of repeater stations along the I-95 corridor — all the way to Greenwich, say, “Gateway to New England”? (They could cover most of Long Island, too.) THAT would give WNYC the comeuppance they deserve. It could be like the old Concert Network, when you could drive from New York (WNCN) to Connecticut (WHCN, Hartford — on 105.9, heh heh), Providence (WXCN) and finally Boston (WBCN.)

    Doc’s comments on the non-viability of classical radio are well taken, but he omits the biggie: twenty-something and thirty-something year old media buyers hate old fogey demographics. Years ago, they sold all sorts of stuff on commercial classical radio and delivered commercials for Mercedes Benz and Jaguar automobiles; Bose, KLH and Acoustic Research speakers; books and records; hotels and restaurants; departmen, clothing, and jewelry stores; financial services and insurance. Not retirement homes and cemetery plots. This is why commerical classical stations with very strong ratings — WGMS, Washington, and WTMI, Miami, for instance — could not make a go of it. It was less a shortage of “inventory” than an inability to sell inventory on hand. I was asked if I had interest in an announcer’s job at both stations; good thing I didn’t pursue the matter.

  68. Tom,
    I’m delighted to learn about WCRB from reading your comment, and I will add that station to my new list of Internet radio choices.
    I have been searching for alternatives since October 9, 2009 – the day WQXR seemed to expire.

    Hope you don’t mind that I quoted parts of your comments on a Twitter page: http://twitter.com/classicalmewsny
    Perhaps I should have asked you for permission to do this.
    Let me know if you want me to erase them, and I will gladly comply.

    I must say how I DO love your idea to send a WGBH signal down to Greenwich, CT.
    That made me smile.

  69. It’s Friday afternoon and I am listening to the BSO live from Symphony Hall on WCRB via the Internet, with better sound that I can get over the air from WQXR. What does WQXR offer “live” this afternoon? Shabbat services from Temple Emmanuel underwritten by Manhattan’s largest Jewish undertaker? Someone should say Kaddish or sit shiva for this station. Look what has become of the call letters associated with Lloyd Moss and Nimet!

  70. It has now been over ten weeks since WNYC took over WQXR–time enough to conclude that this episode has been a disastrous fiasco. The numbers tell a grim story. The Arbitron ratings for WQXR show Dec. ’08, 2.1; Sept. ’09, 1.8; Nov. ’09–after the changeover–1.6. The effort to offset this bleeding by “dumbing down” the franchise to pander to classical dabblers, rather than serious listeners, has failed completely.

    A number of observations come to mind:

    1)-The FM audio feed is dismal. The 10-12 dB bass boost used is a gross disservice to the music and may well be illegal. The audio chart shown in Sec. 73.333 of the FCC Regulations indicates a flat response from 50 Hz to 2120 Hz, with rise of 6 dB/octave from 2120 Hz to beyond 15,000 Hz. (This corresponds to first-order pre-emphasis with time constant of 75 µsec.) This bass boost can only appeal to casual listeners with inferior receivers having little audio response below 200 Hz.

    2)-The dismissal of WQXR’s entire off-air staff has been catastrophic, gutting the operation and virtually destroying its institutional memory. Now no one knows how to program properly, or even determine the station’s best long-term interests. This is the direct consequence of becoming a conquered province, subject to being squeezed and exploited by its new imperial masters.

    3)-The demise of advance playlists is a major grievance. Because of the change of ownership, the grandfather clause in the law no longer applies. Now some classical outlets may have advance playlists and others, including WQXR, may not. It should be possible to distinguish these outlets from hard rock and pop stations with brief tracks and webstreams, where piracy has really been rampant.

    I believe that it is time for the Board of Directors of New York Public Radio to step up and take action. On a smaller scale, the incompetence of management has been every bit as glaring as what flattened Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, AIG, GM, and Chrysler. Believe me, it will be much cheaper in the long run to buy out contracts and send these twits packing than to let this hemorrhaging continue. It is clearly time for a reboot and do-over completely from scratch!

  71. Lewis, are the new ratings ones derived from Arbitron’s changed methods? See here. Obviously, the changes were not kind to classical listening in general.

  72. It’s official. The New York Times company’s workforce is 20% less than it was a year ago. It was nice of WQXR to do its part.


  73. Well, I’m in New York for the first time since The Change, and I’ve gotta say that, from what I’ve heard so far, the critics are right: the signal is pretty bad. I’ve only listened in cabs (on a small walkman-like Sangean portable radio) and here in an apartment on 43d street (with buildings blocking a view of the Empire State Building). In both cases the strong singals spill over and obliterate WQXR on 105.9. But on my friend’s stereo tuner, it sounds fine. With no antenna. Quite pretty, in fact.

    I also listened in a cab this evening to the live stream, and was surprised to see it identified on the tuner (Wunderadio’s) as WNYC, and to hear the WNYC ID and promo when the stream came up. But it was a WQXR stream, and sounded fine.

  74. From what I can tell from Arbitron’s website, the ratings for 2007-08 were from diaries; most of ’09 has used the people meters. Still WQXR has been quite ill for some two years now, ever since the “Times” began laying off station staff and using abrasive ads. A drop from Dec. ’07, 2.4 to Nov. ’09, 1.6 is ICU territory!

    WQXR clearly needs a lot of TLC, but mass dismissals, destruction of autonomy, and plain bad management have put it on a fast track for oblivion in a year or so. Doc, you mentioned that the station sounded “pretty” on a friend’s stereo system. That is my point exactly! The exaggerated bass boost below 350 Hz on the FM feed is designed for receivers with limited bass response–strictly for dabblers, not serious listeners. Ironically, the better the equipment, the worse it sounds! (I use a Denon DRA-635R receiver and Sennheiser HD580 headphones–strictly top of the line.)

    As I mentioned earlier in this space, I was an aerospace electronics engineer for over 30 years, a field where lousy managers are as common as crabgrass. The schmoes running New York Public Radio are as dismal as I’ve seen in a long while. This whole complex merger and swapping transmitters would have taxed the abilities of Bill Gates or Lee Iacocca. These twits are, as Washington wonks say, way, way beneath their pay grade.

    Trivializing a great franchise always end in disaster for two obvious reasons: a)-the loyalists and bed-rock supporters are outraged enough to go over the hill and never come back, and b)-the “great semi-washed” being pandered to come to resent the patronizing tone and leave in disgust at a race to the bottom. Who would go to Tiffany if it sold rhinestones or Steinway and Sons if its market were electronic pianos? Unthinkable. These are sterling franchises to be protected at all hazards. WQXR should be the same. A member of WNYC’s Community Advisory Board told me last month that if WQXR proves too much of a headache, management might consider “flipping” the station to another non-classical buyer at a handsome profit and wash its hands of it. This would be utterly scandalous, but perfectly legal, unless the FCC were to step in and block such a sale as contrary to the public interest. Under the circumstances, management has little incentive to respond to complaints.

  75. Lewis, WQXR is dead aleady. If WNYC decides to flip it — it is a commercial license, after all — would any listeners be left to notice?

    As for handsome profit, who would want the license? Univision couldn’t wait to be rid of it. I suppose someone could use 105.9 for Chinese or Russian language programming. New York could really use a full-time Russian FM station.

    Can a station die twice?

    It happened before with classical radio in New York, with WNCN. Killed off, revived, then killed off again for good.

    If WQXR is likewise killed again, it could be a good ting. Because then maybe some New York City arts organizations will band together to start an all-classical Internet station. Also, the much despised WNYC would reap tons of well-deserved bad publicity.

    As they used to say in 1950s horror movies: this monster must die!

    Merry Christmas from Uncle Scrooge!

  76. Okay, I’m listening now to WQXR in the Bronx, on the Bruckner Expressway, in stalled traffic, where I can look down, right now, at the butt-ugly empty lot that was once the site of the home where my grandmother grew up, at 173 East 142nd Street. I’m on a bus bound for boston with a window seat, typing in the dark. The signal is solid and in stereo , and not much different than the rest of the signals from the same antenna on the Empire State Building — a big contrast from its oblitertion in midtown, where the stronger signals overwhelmed it on the portable radio I’m using (and which, typically of radios of this type, has no resisance to “blanketing” of sweak signals by srong ones). The sound got much better as the bus went north alongside Central Park, then quite clear in Harlem. Been that way since. We’ll see how far it goes. Still in the Bronx.

    Meanwhile, Tom, what makes you think WQXR is dead? And what makes you think WNYC is “much-despised” (except by unhappy classical listeners on this thread)? It’s one of the most productive and successful public radio stations in the country, still. True, WQXR is on a crappy signal, and it’s scaled back in other ways from what the NYTimes did with the station. But hey, it’s alive, on the air and on the Net. Under the Times a scaling back was going to happen anyway, Or an outright sale to somebody.. As for the Internet, there are dozens of excellent classical stations. One of them could be WQXR, and prehaps already is. I’ve heard nothing to dislike yet.In fact I’m enjoying it right now.

    Lewis, just a quick note to say that the audio system I heard WQXR on last night is a high-end audiophile one For whatever that’s worth. And my one-word description — “pretty” — refered to clarity at the high end. But I was not listening critically, and not on headphones.

    Passing Mamaroneck on I-95. Still sounds okay. Same as the others, anyway.

    Now passing through Rye and heading into Port Chester. The signal is fine, but is now mixing with another station, which I assume is WHCN from Hartford. Confirms my belief that the problem in this neck of the woods is less a weak signal by QXR than interference from Hartford. Unavoidable, alas. I should add that, at least on my portable radio, all the New York stations are starting to sound like crap. A good car radio would probably have all of them sounding fine, Except for QXR, which would play pop-in-and-out with WHCN.

    And now we’re in Greenwich, CT. All the NYC stations are starting to sound bad, WQXR among them. The surprising thing is that they actually sound pretty good when WHCN doesn’t pop in. Clearly they’re the stronger of the two, which surprises me a bit. But then, WHCN has a directional signal, with a dent in this direction.

    And now we’re in Darien, and QXR is still there. So is WHCN, but WQXR is the stronger of the two. Amost listenable. Surprising. Checking around.. WLTE is there, but barely. WNYC-FM is sounding good. WCBS is okay. WBAI, which has a weaker-than-others signal, is bad… worse than QXR. 97.1 is strong. So is 96.3, QXR’s old transmitter. But all are less than ideal.

    Now we’re coming into Norwalk, and QXR and HCN are splattering each other. About the end of the line for this exercise.

    Bottom line, it’s about what I expected. Worse in midtown, better on the perimeter, but still a second-class signal.

    And now, approaching New Haven, I’m listening to WQXR’s live 32kb AAC stream. Not bad, considering. I listened on and off to its 128kb .mp3 stream and its 128kb Windows Media stream (all over Wunderadio on the iPhone). The bit rate on both the latter is too high to sustain on 3g.

    And now I’m sampling WFMT from Chicago, both 48kb Quicktime and 128kb AAC. The former is not good for classical. the latter is okay. I can still hear the compression, though.

    And now WCPE from North Carolina, which has a pile of streams of various bitwidths…

  77. Gee, Doc, you could have stopped off at my place in Connecticut and heard WQXR. You’ve got it right as far as reception goes. On the coast — along I95 — reception gets dicey after Stamford and WHCN starts nipping at its heels in
    Darien. Just north, sustainable reception stops before the Merritt Parkway. In Greenwhich, for instance, WQXR comes in without interference in the southern part of town. Drive into back country Greenwhich and once again WHCN nips at its heels. Strong station, that — broadcasts from a mountain in Meriden about 22 miles SOUTH of Hartford.

    Welcome back home after your trip.

    It must be nice receiving WCRB in the car. I find the programming infintely better than WQXR’s. I can say the same about WCLV, WFMT, and KUSC. At 128 kbps the compression is obvious, as you say. But for casual office listening it’s fine. I am very pleased with what WGBH has done with WCRB so far — including restoring the Internet stream.

  78. Tom, I think QXR and other NYC stations do well along the CT shore because there’s still line-of-sight to the ESB, and there’s always a bit of advantage to stations traveling across a relatively flat earth.

    As for comparing classical stations, I listen to so many of them, with so little loyalty (hate to say) that I don’t have a critical orientation toward any of them.

    The main advantage with the new WCRB is that the advertising load is gone. There are still promotions, but not the endless annoying cavalcade of ads that the commercial version of the station had.

    Gotta say that I was spoiled by years of living in North Carolina and California. Some stations there go for hundreds of miles. If you superimposed the coverage area of KNBR/680am in San Francisco on the east coast, it would stretch from DC to Boston. And if you took one of the biggest NC FMs (100kw at 2000 feet) and put it in NYC, you’d get it well from Philly to Hartford. (Preventing the 50kw AM giants in the East from having more coverage is awful ground conductivity. Long Island and most of New England are really bad: 0.5-4Mhos/m compared to 15-30Mhos/m in California.)

    But the FCC decided early that FM was essentially a medium for covering popultions, not territories, so all the heavily-populated places were limited to 50kw at 500 feet. There are a few grandfathers, such as KQED in San Francisco and WFMT in Chicago. But none in New York. And lots of short-spaced examples, such as WQXR/WHCN.

  79. You raise an interesting point about AM stations and ground connectivity. It’s why so many AM stations, including in the Notheast, are located on islands (WBSM New Bedford comes to mind) or in swamps (WSAR Fall River). WCBS 880 AM is on a spit of land in the Bronx, near City Island. Many other New York City stations are in the Meadowlands, just off the New Jersey turnpike. Half underwater. You don’t put an AM radio transmitter atop the Empire State Building. You couldn’t properly ground the thing.

    Fall River, New Bedford, Cape Code and the islands were phenomenal places for AM radio reception. Almost all NYC AM stations came in during the day, including 5,000 watt WMCA. It was the water that did it. And still does.

    I remember reading that WSM Nashville had (and may still have) such great coverage because the transmitter was drilled almost deep as the tower went high. Hats off to radio engineers of the 1930s.

    As for FM stations, some of them stretched pretty far in the Northeast before the dial got so crowded. In central Connecticut, for instance, I received WGBH, Boston, WFCR, Amherst, WAMC Albany, and WHYY Philadelphia. Maybe they were all grandfathered. Of course, I had a roof antenna, a rotor, and a state of the art FM tuner Happier days for AM and FM listening.

    The programming on WCRB is awfully good. It’s like Santa delivered an unexpected present after the demise of you-know-what. Try CRB more often, Doc. Your loyalty might grow.

  80. Here’s an idea. Since so many outraged WQXR loyalists have turned to webstreams from out-of-town classical outlets, why not lean on cable services to provide wide FM service? If, for instance Verizon FiOS provides Iranian state TV in Farsi amongst its 630 TV channels, why not a little more bandwidth for FM? (Thirty FM channels have the same spectrum space as one analog TV channel.) A modified cable box translating 30 FM frequencies per cable channel could do this easily. (WQXR could even get its beloved old 96.3 MHz slot back again on cable!) There could be one package for rock, another for classical, etc., etc. Then no need to tie up CPU and RAM on webstream.

    Admittedly, some might not notice the exaggerated bass boost on WQXR’s FM feed without a good deal of critical listening. I do know what WQXR sounded like not only three months ago before the changeover, but 10 years ago, 40 years ago, even 60 years ago on 1560 AM. I wonder if possibly the previous Univision owners doctored the main FM feed for their particular programming, and WNYC’s engineers either never noticed or did nothing about it?

    The wholesale dismissal of WQXR’s off-air staff has destroyed most of the station’s institutional memory. Consider, if you can, if Harvard College were to fire nearly all its tenured faculty and that henceforth most instruction would be by first-year grad students. The effect on undergrads, the college, and alumni can readily be imagined. Consider us bloggers to be “WQXR alumni” and many of us are equally incensed. Its management was very successful in weaning WNYC from city ownership, but this highly complex maneuver was way beyond its capabilities. In aerospace, I saw many bright engineers who became terrible managers in over their heads. I submit that is exactly what has happened here.

  81. Lewis, you should contact your local cable company (or companies) to see if they’ll add WQXR, or whatever else you’d like. I know that many cable companies have stopped carrying FM stations; but maybe that could be reversed in your case. As for FiOS, good luck. Bandwidth isn’t the issue there. it’s what Verizon feels like doing. We have FiOS here and it’s great for Internet (we have 20Mb symmetrical service), but we dropped TV a while back, along with the set top box, which had a terrible UI and a number of interfaces (e.g. USB) turned off. I’m guessing that Verizon would say “Hey, we have two classical audio channels you can look at.” But, I dunno. For what it’s worth, FiOS, with its high bandwidth, makes listening to high quality streams from online stations pretty easy.

    As for the Harvard comparison, I understand. The difference is that the demographics and economics of education are quite a bit different than those of commercial FM radio. At this point in its long history, classical music is tanking in the commercial radio marketplace. It’s a shrinking niche. Today the value of an FM signal is much higher to its owner if the signal is carrying forms of programming more popular than classical (and with younger demographics). This is why there are no longer any commercial classical stations in New York — or dozens of other cities that used to have them. I don’t like it either, but that’s life.

    I won’t defend whatever WNYC has done with WQXR’s people and programming since the purchase (I don’t have time to follow it), but I do stand by my original assessment of the situation: that this is the best deal the listeners are going to get, and it’s a lot better than nothing.

    WQXR is now a public station, which makes it a lot more accountable than a commercial one. Have you tried engaging the people there? Does WQXR have an ongoing forum to deal with this stuff? If not, it should. I see the air talent’s blogs, but noting more. But maybe I’m missing it.

  82. Tom, I’ve been listening a fair amount to CRB, which is especially nice now during the holidays. (Boston Pops right now.)

    Sea water is an amazing ground for AM waves. The funny thing about the Cape and islands is that the ground is poor, but the surrounding sea is perfect for AM reception.

    WMCA was my favorite top 40 station when I was growing up in New Jersey. WNYC-AM now shares its 3-tower rig in the Meadowlands, beside the Turnpike. I’m told you can get MCA and WINS in Bermuda by day. The old WINS signal was a headlight across the middle of inner boroughs and out to sea. The new one is a bit more spread out.

    WCBS shares the same tower with WFAN, formerly WNBC. My old ’66 Volvo had a Becker radio that could get WNBC all the way to North Carolina in the middle of the day. WABC nearly as far. If you’e ever at Cape Hatteras, you can get pretty much all the New York stations (including WMCA) and WBZ from Boston, plus WQAM and WIOD from Miami, all across open sea water.

    The only AM radio I listen to these days is whatever is carrying Boston sports. Even some of those (e.g. Patriots) are on FM now.

  83. I’ll try to explain why others might share my animosity towards WNYC.

    On October 8, 2009, there were TWO disasters for classical music listeners in the New York metro area. WNYC was key to making both happen.

    In an instant — at precisely 8 pm in the case of WQXR — classical music left the airwaves at TWO of New York City’s strongest FM signals — 96.3 AND 93.9. It was a win-win situation. WNYC got rid of classical music on 93.9. And The New York Times got rid of WQXR — something they couldn’t have done without widespread public opproprium until the survival of the newspaper itself (as an independent entity) came under seige.

    The more paranoid among us — especially those of us with friends in New York radio — suspect that both parties (WNYC and The New York Times) were just waiting for the right moment to kill off classical on 96.3 AND 93.9.

    I think Lewis is right on with his suspicious about the WQXR signal on 105.9 — specifically the matter of the bass boost. Did Univision boost the bass in order to make a weak station sound more powerful, to give it more thump-thump, as it were? It is plausible. It is known that WNYC acquired not only the frequency (105.) but also the transmitting equipment from Univision. Did WNYC’s engineers notice the poor sound quality? Did management care?

    I can understand Doc’s point of view,but I do believe that WQXR is better off dead than as part of WNYC, just as I believe that WCRB is way better off as a public radio station. It’s a matter of the custodian — WGBH being a better custodian than WNYC. Besides, WCRB was diminished (license moved to Lowell) three years BEFORE WGBH bought it. WGBH was not party to diminishing WCRB; WNYC was an active party in the diminishment of WQXR. Reason to despise WNYC? As for The New York Times, I won’t even touch a copy, let alone buy one. There is real ANGER here, and it’s not going to appear on any listener forum controlled by WNYC.

    By the way, the City of New York still owns an FM station. It’s WNYE. When WNYC FM lost its transmitter in the World Trade Center attacks, the city allowed WNYC FM to broadcast on WNYE 91.5, using that station’s transmitter in Brooklyn. The City has never known quite what to do with this station — owned by the Board of Education — whose signal is not so bad — better than 105.9 in Southwest Connecticut for sure.

    Classical 91.5 anyone?

  84. Tom, wasn’t classical already all but totally phased off 93.9 by the time the WQXR switch happened? Just a question. I don’t know.

    As to bass boost, I’ll take Lewis’ word as an expert. As an old low-level broadcast almost-engineer and transmitter maintainer, I know that all FM audio has been problematic for engineers for the duration. The need to reconcile pre-emphasis curves, dynamic range and other factors (including signal strength and typical listening conditions) require art as well as science.

    It could be that WQXR audio went out at first over WCAA settings (optimized, no doubt, for popular — in this case Spanish — music and the need to maximize volume and minimize dynamic range, given the weak signal) and not whatever WQXR’s settings had been on 96.3. But I dunno. I would be very surprised if WNYC/WQXR engineers are anything much different than classical FM engineers do everywhere else in the U.S. Still, I could be wrong.

    As for WNYE, moving classical music there is a political impossibility. It’s a collection of many programs, of which more than a few are no doubt politically strong (within the station’s administration as well as the city government — not to mention their communities). I remember back in the early 90s, when KPFA cut back the huge number of different programs they had been running up to that time, and the outrage was enormous. The station, which had terrible numbers in the ratings, was (and still is) very connected to many communities. Around the time this was happening, I was a guest (with two others, including Brad Kava) on a show covering local radio, and every call-in was from an irate KPFA listener. I doubt the city or WNYE’s management would welcome that.

    As for WNYE’s signal, it’s 2kw on the master antenna atop the Condé Nast Building at 4 Times Square. That’s a lot better than it was with 20kw on a short mast atop Brooklyn Tech, where it lived for many decades before the move. Its height above average terrain is 281 meters, or 921 feet. WQXR’s is .61kw atop the Empire State Building, with a height above average terrain of 416 meters, or 1365 feet. As a class B1 station (max of 25kw at 100 meters or 328 feet), WQXR could be 3.2kw coming off the same antenna as WNYE at 4 Times Square. (Do your lookups here and your calculations here.) In other words, in terms of equivalencies, WQXR is a stronger station than WNYE. And that would be evident if they radiated from the same antenna at the full power allowed.

    By the way, even though WNYE is also a class B1, it operates at less than the maximum allowed for that class because it’s in the noncommercial “educational” band, where coverage is limited by interference calculations rather than by an old table of assignments and minimum spacing requirements, which obtain on the commercial band (and by the terms of which WHCN and WQXR are “shortspaced”). No doubt when WNYE moved north to 4 Times Square it dropped power to avoid short-spacing, but rationalized the move by gaining height and a more central transmitter location. I can tell you that the old signal was actually quite bad outside Brooklyn and Queens. And where I grew up in New Jersey the signal was highly obstructed by the Manhattan skyline.

    Still, this brings up a great suggestion — one I would heartily endorse: moving WQXR down from the Empire State Building to 4 Times Square. There would be some shadowing from the ESB and other skyscrapers, but the signal would have much more punch in its local coverage area. It would be in a much better position versus the 6kw stations on the ESB master antenna.

    In fact I would be very surprised if the WNYC/WQXR engineers aren’t looking into this already. There is already a 1kw auxilliary antenna for WQXR at 4 Times Square, where the master antenna serves as a primary one for WNYE and an auxiliary one for many stations whose mains are on the ESB. WQXR has a second auxilliary antenna on the Chanin Building, roughly across from the Chrysler on East 43rd Street. Here is a picture I shot of it in 2003. What you see there is a two-bay for 96.3, plus the original 6-bay cloverleaf antenna system for 96.3. That one dates from the late 40s or early 50s, I’d guess. It’s horizontally polarized. Very retro. If I were WNYC/QXR. I’d drop this one unless the cost is close to nothing. (Could be that’s grandfathered too.)

    In any case, moving the main transmitter to 4 Times Square is the best alternative, I would think.

    Last but not least, I would like to see some folks from WNYC/WQXR weigh in here, or pick this thread up in a less obscure location on the Web.

  85. Merry Christmas, Doc. No, classical was not all but phased out on 93.9 before the BIG DEAL — in which everyone (WNYC, The New York Times, especially Univision) got what each wanted … except classical music listeners. And who cares about us? We are too old anyway…

    I am joking, sort of. I don’t recall how many hours of classical there were on WNYC FM at the end. There was Jazz from Lincoln Center, some other programs. But basically, classical was from 8 pm until around 5 am. It used to run 24 hours a day. WQXR was NOT classical 24/7. The cheapskates signed off between 1 am and 6 am. WNCN was classical 24/7 and home to two of the greatest all-night classical hosts: Listening with (Bill) Watson and (Harry) Fleetwood. Six and a half feet tall. Fluent in French. For a time you had Fleetwood on 104.3 and Nimet Habashy with her Cairo-inflected English on WQXR. Whaddya got now?

    Two other observations:

    I doubt that WNYC would allow free discussion. Freedom of the press is guaranteed to the person who owns one. I think A.J. Leibling said that.

    You have done a tremendous service by keeping this blog thread open, and responding to posts. This blog entry is not obscure at all. I know of no other place online where WQXR can be discussed free of WNYC control. Do you?

    And when you Google WQXR, guess who still comes up on the first or second page? Doc Searls. Thank you, Doc, for allowing others and me to vent and not closing down this thread.

    I still think Classical 91.5 is a great idea. As is your idea to move WQXR to the Conde Nast building. This probably would not solve the problem of reception in Southwestern Connecticut (where we have WSHU) or Northern Weschester (where they got nottin). But it might address the issue of crappy WQXR reception while driving around the boroughs. By the way, Doc, I believe the only “inner” borough is Manhattan. Of course, that’s the WNYC mindset. I get crappy car radio reception on WQXR driving on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, in sight of the ESB. On Ocean Parkway, where my mother-in-law lives, forgeddabout it.

    I wonder how Myron and his friend are doing in Garden City. And a Merry Christms to Sean and Lewis.

    Actually, I think 105.9 should be moved to Newark and operated as a 24/7 jazz station. I say that as a jazz buff, too. Mayor Booker, care to weigh in?

  86. Thanks, Tom. Merry Christmas to you too.

    Not much time this round. And agreed about the likelihood of no difference on the Condé Nast building in the Connecticut direction. But I do think it would be a big improvement within the city, where a big part of the problem is the power discrepancy. Big signals overwhelm the little ones on radios that can’t handle overload. Raising QXR from 610 watts to 3200 would go a long way to reducing that problem. And the lower radiation altitude wouldn’t make much difference.

    I’m curious now how WNYE does. Because what one would get from WQXR on the same antenna is a slight improvement on that. I’ll be there tomorrow and the next day, so I’ll check it out.

  87. […] our window, the Matterhorn.) Puts some perspective on the comment thread, still lengthening here, and set off by WQXR’s move to a weaker over-the-air signal. (Among other moves by WNYC when […]

  88. Geez-

    I just discovered this discussion. I have an alert set for WQXR and today you guys popped up.

    I have read through all of the two pages of comments. I wish some of you had been commenting on the ‘blogs’ at WQXR. The tone is civil – which is not true of a lot of what has been posted at WQXR. The arguments are for the most part cogent and valid.

    I certainly agree with Doc that we are better off with the WNYC ownership that with no WQXR. I have not been a WQXR listener. I am a WNYC music fanatic. So, these days, I listen a lot to Q2, the successor to WNYC2, the 24/7/365 eclectic music stream. But I have been monitoring 105.9 on FM and the computer waiting to hear the on-air hosts pitch the nice new 128kbit stream for 105.9. I was told that it will happen. Why it is taking so long i cannot fathom.

    If any of you have read my comments at “Whither Public Radio and serious music, http://richardmitnick.wordpress.com , you know that I see the future of Classical music, and Jazz also, to be on the internet. I do not believe that terrestrial radio will die, but all of the dynamism is in the web streams. And, there are so many to choose from, check Shoutcast for lists of the terrestrial PubRadio outlet web streams; look at AccuRadio. A good paid service for Classical music is Live365.

    But, I still try to hope for a successful WQXR under the management of WNYC. As Doc said, WNYC is a top drawer organization. The new music director is extremely bright and able.

    There have been many adhominem attacks on a couple of WNYC on-air hosts, and some just plain pure vitriole. I think that the attacks are not serving any purpose. I think that the WNYC on-air people are very knowledgeable and doing a great job, in spite of some weaknesses.

    Thanks, Doc, for providing this very valuable venue for these discussions.

  89. It’s 10:05 am on Monday morning, Dec. 28. WCRB has just started playing Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. The other morning, at about the same time, they played Mahler’s Third. Not just bits and scraps of music — overtures, single movements, etc. — but serious longer works — symphonies and concertos — complete — during the day. The programming — WCRB vs. WQXR –is day and night.

    So are the Internet streams. WCRB was available the morning of Day One of WGBH ownership at 128 kbps. I choose between iTunes or Real Player. Under the old WCRB ownership, when there was Internet streaming, it was patchy (hard to receive), rinky-dink and miserable sounding — a little like what WNYC provides for WQXR now. What’s the excuse? They had months to prepare.

    WCRB brought back Ray Brown in the afternoon. WNYC let Annie Bergen go as a full-timer. From Day One, WGBH has worked to restore WCRB, expand its listenership and build good will.

    WCRB broadcasting from the Great Blue Hills on WGBH HD-2 has remarkable reach for HD. With a little antenna fussing, some people can receive it in Fall River, New Bedford and Providence. I have to agree with Doc about HD Radio in general. A 128 kbps Internet stream sounds just as good and the signal is often more stable. No surprise. HD FM is 128 kbps. Maximum. Correct me if I am wrong, Doc.

    As for ad hominem attacks, I can’t speak for other posters. I bear no personal animus — which I take as the touchstone of whether a comment is an attack or not … or, let’s have it out, biased. I would not welcome someone who mangles the names of jazz musicians — or gets his or her jazz history wrong as a presenter of that genre, either. This is why KCSM is my favorite jazz station: great programming and knowledgeable hosts.

    As for WNYC doing a great job — yes, they have done a great job of taking classical music off 93.9 and 96.3 and marginalizing it on 105.9. Low power, poor sound quality, no 128 kbs Internet stream, bits and scraps of classical music, no Annie Bergen except on weekends …let’s see, is there anything else?

    Oh, yea, they have taken almost ALL music off 93.9 in favor of incessant talk. Chew on that, WNYC buffs.

    Happy New Year.

  90. Thanks, Tom. You’re clearly listening to these stations a lot more carefully than I am. Does QXR not play whole symphonies? CRB used to do that and it drove me nuts. I think they did it so they could insert the maximum number of commercials. No longer required.

    Two small additional notes.

    One is that 96kbps AAC is (engineers tell me) higher fidelity than 128kbps MP3. In any case, WQXR and WCRB should offer multiple streams.

    The other is that WNYC/WQXR listeners are the ones with the leverage, and should exert it with money. “Hey, WQXR. Sign me up for $100 if you play whole symponies and offer true hi-fi on your Internet stream.” Specifics are required. Not “stop being lame” or “stop being typical.” In fact, I suggest that a listener association form, and propose a very small number of specific actions.

    Happy New Year to you too (form the slopes in Zermatt).

  91. Zermatt, eh? I’ll spend New Years with the Russian relatives in Brooklyn. Not that I’ll have much time for WQXR.

    I don’t want to make too much of this good guy/bad guy stuff but WCRB is great. It’s 11am on Tuesday mornng. They just played the Byron Janis/Antal Dorati 1960 recording of Rachmaninoff’s Second Piano Concerto. How do they know which recording to play? They know, just like they as they did when they played Leinsdorf’s Mahler 3 the other day and Szell’s Beethoven Ninth. Both in the morning, without underwriting from an undertaker.

    They also get what classical radio is largely about: companionship. I miss Annie Bergen. And Lloyd Moss and Nimet, too — retired, like me. Ray Brown in the afternoon on WCRB helps make up for the loss. Could WQXR rehire Annie Bergen and maybe put Steve Sullivan back on the air? If they don’t know how to reach him, I do. Could WQXR hire David Dubal and restore WNCN, too? Or bring back Mario Mazza from Mobile, Alabama?

    Could WGBH/WCRB?

    I’m beginning to think that WGBH may fill in WCRB from the south — Taunton, Attleboro, Fall River, something like that. There have to be distressed stations or vacant licenses.

    Could WCRB hire Annie Bergen? As a native of Massachusetts, I am sure she would love Boston. It IS the hub of the universe, after all. You’ve lived elsewhere. Right, Doc? Symphony. Fenway Park. Brigham’s ice cream. Peretti’s tobacco shop. Paradise. WCRB, too.

  92. Well, I grew up in New Jersey and New York. Back then, the City was the center of the universe for me. Then I moved to North Carolina, got into tech, and realized that for tech Silicon Valley was the center of universe. Then after a couple decades we moved to Santa Barbara. After a few years there, I got the fellowship at Berkman, and we’ve been temporarily in Boston ever since.

    As David Weinberger told me before we moved there, Boston is the most intellectually stimulating place on Earth. And it’s true. We love it there.

    I’m sure Public Radio Capital is all over the WCRB coverage issue. Same with WQXR, too. It’s unfortunate that we don’t have real RDS here in the U.S. With RDS you tune in a station, not a frequency. When a station has multiple transmitters, it picks the best one. Standard in Europe. Not implemented in the U.S.

    The Annie Bergen idea is a good one. Next time I see some GBH/CRB folk, I’ll bring it up.

  93. I just took a look at the line-up in the schedule at WGBH’s Classical music service, to which I got by entering wcrb.com in the address bar.

    Funny thing is, Lynn Warfel, Gillian Martin, Scott Blankenship, Valerie Kahler, Bob Christiansen, Ward Jacobson, and Mindy Ratner, come up in a search as Minnesota Public Radio personnel.

    Only Laura Carlo, Cathy Fuller and Ray Brown, come up as Boston people.

    So it’s Minnesota Public Radio (Classical 24?) 7, Boston 3.

    Mindy Ratner shows up in MPR as a weekend host. So, is all of this stuff “canned” on a hard drive like the old and not missed Classical Public Radio Network from KUSC and Colorado Public Radio? I think I will listen for a while to see if there is a time given, any local to Boston comments, whatever.

  94. You appear to be right, Mr. Mitnick. It does seem like WCRB is “staffed,” at least on weekends, by people from Minnesota Public Radio. Remember Jack FM — WCBS FM 101.1? Jack’s name was Howard and he recorded his snarky comments in Toronto. Almost all of my WCRB listening has been on weekdays when the announcers appear to be “live” and local. Good detective work!

  95. Hey Tom-

    First of all, it is Richard.

    If you go to the WGBH site and look at the weekly schedule, you will see the names in Yellow, weekdays 6:00PM-4:30 AM, and weekends most of the blocs of time. All of those people in the yellow are MPR people. So, like, it is not being hidden, but it is not made plain.

    I caught on to this when I was a member of KUSC, Los Angeles (even though I live in New Jersey). I wanted direct email access to the on-air personnel and could not get it. So I searched up the names and discovered that they were Classical Public Radio Network people. Even though this was owned in large part by KUSC, these people at least left the impression that they were not live on the air.. I found them to be listed on stations from Alabama to Alaska. They never gave the exact time, just “x minutes before the hour” What hour? Flipping between stations all over the country, the same programming was on at the same time.

    What this resulted in was dumbing down the music to the lowest common denominator. That is my objection to the Classical 24 type of thing.

    I am an old WNYC fanatic. So, now I am a Q2 listener. But I am also a WQXR cheerleader because I want the station to succeed. This thing is only a couple of months old. I suspect that what we have in a year will sound very different.

    I think that WGBH has protected themselves from some of the vitriol we have had at WQXR by not having comment pages on their site. But, I criticize them for not making such pages available so that what is going on can be discussed back and forth by the listeners.

    Stay hungry, my friend.

  96. You know, if one is willing to listen to Classical music, Jazz, or any other form of music on the computer, then there really is no need to worry about any terrestrial radio. I want terrestrial radio to stick around, but…

    When WNYC dumped day time music on FM, we all were forced out on our own and left to our own devices. I found my way to http://www.publicradiofan.com, a fabulous resource.

    I wound up joining KUSC, WCNY, Syracuse, NY, and WCPE, Winston-Salem, NC. Their programming was not dissimilar to what had been on WNYC prior to the shift. But for someone schooled by Tim Post’s “New, Old and Unexpected” and John Schaefer’s “New Sounds”, both on WNYC, this fare was pretty timid.

    One very respected Classical music critic called it “musical wallpaper”.

    I also found my way to the paid service http://www.live365.com and its niche streamers. I enjoyed and still stream New Music streams: Kyle Gann’s “PostClassical”; American Music Center’s “Counterstream”; American Composers Forum’s five Innova.mu streams; and Iridian. All of these stream music you will never hear at WGBH, KUSC, WCPE or WCNY. But, at least some of it, you will hear on Q2 from WQXR.

    And, of course, there is the free service Shoutcast, a unit of AOL which is an aggregator of all sorts of terrestrial and internet only streams.

    One last source, now Public Radio, in Princeton, NJ, WPRB ( http://www.wprb.com ), remains below everybody’s radar. Great Classical music week days 6:00AM-11:00AM with great people, some from the university; and Jazz, great Jazz, weekdays generally 11:00AM-1:00PM and a bit on Sunday mornings. The stellar experience at WPRB is on Wednesdays, Marvin Rosen’s two shows, “Classical Discoveries” early in the day and “Classical Discoveries Goes Avantgarde 11:00AM-1:00PM .

    I guess I spend way too much time with this stuff.

  97. Richard,

    Quick one… MPR does provide a great deal of programming and management help to stations that need it. I don’t know the details, but I believe they were the ones who got KPCC on its feet in Los Angeles, providing that metro with its first 24-hour all-info public radio station. (KCRW is at least as much a music as an information station.)

    While I don’t know exactly what roles MPR plays in WCRB (or any station), I am sure it’s probably a Good Thing. For now, at least.

    It’s still early for both WCRB and WQXR. We’ll see how it goes.

  98. Doc-

    You are correct about MPR, via their American Public Media arm (succeeded Public Radio International, also mostly really MPR, with a few others thrown in a bit) purchasing KPCC and propping it up. When I visit my daughter in L.A., if I am listening to terrestrial radio, it is very often KPCC.

    The thing about the music, MPR cans and distributed “Classical 24” This is music for rent, basically on a hard drive, I think the intros are out of a book, I think they do what is called “tips and tails” (George Preston taught me that expression) where they record the intros and the verbiage at the end of a piece, and then those tips and tails are merged with the music.

    It is what is called “plausibly live” (I read “Current” and get PRPD’s RSS feeds). The result is musical pablum aimed at the lowest common denominator. A lot of stations subscribe to “Classical 24”. But, just listen for a time check, or weather, or local calendar of live events.

    WNYC and WQXR are constantly giving these things. WBGO and WPRB both present local Jazz calendars, and WPRB also presents a local Classical music calendar.

    You are certainly correct, this stuff is way too new for anyone to jump to conclusions. And, I have made it very clear at WQXR that while I am out here supporting them on sites like yours, and being a cheerleader, it is not because I enjoy their traditional Classical music. I am a Q2 listener, I want to hear Glass and Reich, Terry Riley and David Lang, David del Tredici, the Bang On a Can All-stars, Ethel, David Diamond, etc. But I want WQXR to succeed on FM, and on the internet with the 105.9 feed, along with Q2.

    And, you, my good sir, have provided a terrific venue for this discussion. For this, I thank you.

  99. In this, my last comment for 2009, I am very concerned about reports from several WQXR bloggers that their contributions for the station have gone to WNYC’s general fund. Though apparently perfectly legal, this must be highly disturbing. (For years now, I have contributed specifically to MPR’s “Pipedreams” organ survey program, and MPR is happy to have that.) Even Doc himself has discovered that the WQXR webstreams have come up posted as WNYC instead.

    This points up much of what has gone very wrong with WQXR being completely submerged by WNYC. Much of this makes sense if WNYC is regarded as less of a public-broadcast outlet and more as a troubled overly-ambitious colonial empire. WQXR’s listeners now have an acute case of “Distant-province syndrome” common to other empires of the past, where the central government doesn’t understand local customs and problems. Restoring WQXR’s autonomy, with its own studios and management, must be the highest priority for 2010. Imagine if the old WQXR had been an integral part of the newspaper operation of the “Times”!

  100. Happy New Year, Lewis, Richard, and Doc. Lewis, you are a great gadfly — never more needed than now. Comparing WQXR to a conquered province. I love that … and think you are right.

    Richard, despite being a self-confessed cheerleader, you are a great gadfly, too. I just can’t get over that WNYC was key to taking classical music off 96.3 AND 93.9 … and most other music off 93.9. It’s nice you have such enthusiasm for new music, but I think Beethoven, Brahams, and Mozart were way more talented and listenable. Does anyone listen to Milton Babbitt now?

    What was it that a certain famous pianist told me the other night (I won’t drop names). Oh, yes, with most piano music there are too many notes. With Beethoven, Mozart and Haydn there are not. Not with Bartok either.

    My real beef with classical music radio stations, orchestras, etc. has been the lack of interest in alternative long-dead composers, including composers who composed too many notes. Zdenek Fibich, anyone? How about the symphonies of Alexander Glazunov? You never hear them in concert halls, either. Ferdinand Raff? Ernest Chausson? I won’t go on. But at one time WNCN played Ferdinand Raff. And, if I am not mistaken, Lloyd Moss of WQXR had a soft spot for Fibich. You know, they could just play the Naxos catalog.

    Lewis raises a serious point. Can one contribute to WQXR without having the money tapped off by WNYC? For that matter, can one contribute to WCRB without having the funds go directly into WGBH coffers? When I contribute to WSHU, as I do, I know where the money goes: classical music radio that I can receive in my car.

    My son, a Manhattan attorney who does work for the City of New York, sezz the city wuzz robbed. 93.9 is a commercial license after all. They shouldda just sold it to Univision.

  101. Tom, first, Happy New Year.

    Yes, money contributed to WQXR can be earmarked. Mine is earmarked for Q2.

    You sound like a serious listener. Another PubRadio station about which I am passionate is WPRB, Princeton, NJ, public now for several years. Classical music week days from 6-6:30AM-11:00AM. Especially you might like Marvin Rosen’s “Classical Discoveries ” Wednesday early morning to 8:30AM. Marvin programs “with an emphasis on the very old and the very new” . He also has “Classical Discoveries Goes Avantgarde on Wednesday from 11:00AM-1:00PM. If you like Jazz, Dan Buskirk on Monday at 11;00AM and Will Constantine on Thursday at 11:00AM are terrific.

  102. Now retired, I value MY WQXR more than ever. In the past walking to work at six am I listened, my pace quickened. My legs worked better and were not fatigued. But that was the only time I could listen uninterrupted, From 65th and Madison to Bellevue Hospital at 27th and First

    Now I can listen all day (and all night if I choose) and with earphones the old lady can sleep and have her pleasant dreams.

    We were at the Orpheus Concert when the switch was thrown changing the dial setting (they’re not dials anymore, are they) to 105.9. We were worried that this will be different, very different . . . and bad.

    It hasn’t been. We worried that the Saturday afternoon Met would go bye bye. It hasn’t. We do miss some of the cleverly crafted commercials, ie the one for Legal Seafood. We do miss some of the awfully good announcers. Candice Agree (sp?) & the young man (I’m presuming so) who filled in whenever he was asked it seems. He had a mellifluous Italianate name.

    But, so it goes.

  103. Well, Dr. Maslansky, I am delighted that your response to the “New Q” is a positive one. I hope that you continue to enjoy WQXR.

    I am not even really much of a 105.9 listener. I am an old WNYC music listener and so these days a Q2 listener. But I do check in to 105.9 quite often at home and at work (both on the lovely 128kbit web stream) and in the car. I think that there is a grand new intelligence to the programming.

    The good Doc Searle has done a wonderful service by giving us this thread to express our opinions.

    I would ask, if you are able, go into the “blogs”, comment pages really, at the WQXR web site and make your feelings known.

  104. It is now three months since the changeover to 105.9, and the numbers are intriguing. Arbitron reports that WQXR has returned to a 1.8 share for December, the same as three months earlier. (The enormous dip in between is not surprising under the circumstances.) What is really interesting is that WSHU has doubled its audience in the same period from 0.2 to 0.4 share. How much of this increase is from listeners beyond WQXR’s reduced range and how much from disgruntled former loyalists is a matter for speculation. The real question is what happens during the next 3-6 months.

    It is quite apparent that WNYC did itself no favors by doing things on the cheap. By far the wisest course would have been the outright purchase of the Interstate Broadcasting Company–the actual entity that owned WQXR– by WNYC from the “Times”. By keeping everything intact, this would have re-assured listeners and blunted the storm of protest from listeners who could not receive the new FM signal. Instead WNYC purchased only the assets–record library, new transmitter and salvageable studio equipment. (This assets-only tactic, widely vilified and highly controversial, is often a favorite tool to abrogate existing contracts and dismiss staff wholesale.) A totally unified operation was deemed much cheaper than two autonomous ones.

    As a result, WQXR changed more in one day than in the previous 25 years–a pace that would have dumfounded even the Bolshevik leadership in Petrograd in 1918! The ethos is tilting more and more to classical dabblers than serious listeners. Certain lighter pop favorites are repeated over and over. For instance Ralph Vaughn Williams’ “The Lark Ascending” is a sublimely beautiful work, but 15 times in barely three months? Truly grossly excessive. Other lighter fare has been similarly overused. The old WQXR had a general rule that a work would be programmed only once in any calendar month, with some exceptions for overnight. The previous production staff knew what it was doing! Now whether contributions will cover WNYC’s swollen budget with three outlets remains to be seen. Other blogs strongly indicate many serious listeners are going over the hill to out-of-town classical webstreams. WSHU’s gain is certainly not the only one!

    Doc, here’s a morsel for thought. Most modern FM receivers with PLL varactor-diode tuning have bottom ranges to 87.7 and even 87.5MHz to be compatible with European use. Analog TV6 is now, of course, defunct. How about moving WQXR to 87.7 with ERP of 5 kW?

  105. Oh, come on Lewis, be an optimist. I was not a WQXR listener. I was a WNYC music listener, favoring the more eclectic offerings which became the standard over the past year. Even I am happier with what I hear. I am now basically a Q2 listener, as I was a wnyc2 listener. I do check in at 105.9 at home, at work (on the lovely new 128kbit web stream), and in the car just to hear what is happening. I also read the playlists.

    I think that the music programming is better, more intelligent, even some risk taking with New Music at the edges.

    A friend who likes basically chamber music and traditional Classical music, whom abhorred what I like and also abhorred what had happened to the old WQXR is also delighted with what he now hears. He has quadrupled his WQXR listening. He even sent in money, with the explicit instruction that he is not joining and should in no way be solicited.

    So, have faith that the future is bright.

    Take a look at what is happening in Boston, with WGBH taking over WCRB. Those people are getting mostly Classical 24, pure pabulum for the classicaly feeble-minded. BTW, a fair chunk of WSHU Classical programming is also Classical 24.

  106. Lewis, there is a station already on 87.7. Its WNYZ-LP. Technically it’s a low-power TV station. It runs meaningless video and meaningful audio.

    For what it’s worth, and as far as I know, the FCC has thus far shown little interest in making 87.7 or 87.9 available in places where Channel 6 audio has gone away after the digital transition. Here in Boston a pirate operates on 87.7, with a remarkably professional-sounding station. I has attracted zero interest from the FCC, or from any of the newspapers. I even got a call from a reporter at the Boston Globe after I ran this blog post. I thought it was an interesting story. But, apparently, the Globe didn’t. Ah, well.

  107. […] has an 0.8. Freshly noncommercial classical WQXR (on a new channel with a weaker signal) has a 1.8. (We’ve had a thread going for months here about that change.) Jazz WBGO has an 0.5. WNYZ-LP (”Party 87.7), which is actually a […]

  108. I really have appreciated keeping up with your discussions on radio and the trials tribulations that have faced teh media since I joined it in the early 1980s at KFAC in Los Angeles.

    For what it’s worth as a classical announcer having past experience at some of the stations previously discussed, specifically KFAC and KUSC in LA in the 1980s, (and as an East Coast native), I felt I wanted to weigh in with the fact that we at Classical 24 are not at all on a “hard drive”, not do we “top and tail”.

    All of us are indeed here, live, 24/7 and the music is being played from CDs in our very hands….just like in the good old days!

  109. Lynne, thanks for weighing in.

    Is there any customization for different stations in different markets?

    And, while we’re at it, how many stations are you serving right now?

    Thanks again!

  110. The best way to see what is happening with any Classical 24 program and one’s favorite station is to go to the Classical 24 web site, see who is actually on, and then go to one’s favorite station carring Classical 24 and see if that is who is listed in the stations program guide.

    And, quite frankly, as long as Ms Warfe brings up KUSC, to which I used to belong, I don’t believe that it matters one whit if the host is “live” or pre-recorded. What does matter is that in all but one location, the programming is not live, but “plausibly live”, and there is no local content.

    KUSC, along with Colorado Public Radio owned Classical Public Radio Network, now, thankfully deceased. In this case, the programming might well have been quite live. One could click between PubRadio stations from Alabama to Alaska and hear exactly the same program.

    It was actually a Classical music critic located in L.A. who called such radio programming “musical wallpaper”.

  111. […] July I explained Why WQXR is better off as a public radio station. One hundred and twelve comments followed, the last posted in January of this year. Far as I know, […]

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