Cluetrain Rides Again

New CluesNew Clues is up.

Go there and read it.

You can respond to it in a number of ways.

One is talk about it. You can do that here, on a Facebook page we set up for it, on Twitter (@Cluetrain is there), on your own blog, or wherever you please.

Another is to raid it for building material. It’s open source, set free in the public domain.* Read about all that and more on the About page.

New Clues follows up on The Cluetrain Manifesto, which appeared on the Web in 1999 and became a book in 2000. In the next post I’ll tell you more about why David Weinberger and I decided to do New Clues, but for now I’d rather shine the spotlight on what we’ve been noodling and re-noodlling toward publication over the last few months.

* The only exception is the pet armadillo image we’ve leveraged from the oeuvre of e. res, who posted it at Flickr under a Creative Commons BY 2.0 license, which requires attribution and we are doing right here. Thanks, e. res!



13 responses to “Cluetrain Rides Again”

  1. Excellent work Doc (and David, if you read this).

    I have used your Open Source License to create a slightly modified (more “outline form”), text based version of the New Clues.

    The Cluetrain Strikes Back, long live @cluetrain (and the Internet).

  2. Thanks, Joseph! Did you use the OPML or one of the other sources? Also, tweet it so we (@cluetrain @vrm @dsearls — my flock of tweetz) can retweet it.

  3. I used the main website source, and pasted it into Word, edited it, and pasted it back into a WordPress post.

    Tweeted here:

  4. […] quanto pare Doc e David (due che non rivedono il layout del loro sito da tempo immemore), hanno rimesso mano al […]

  5. Interesting to know. For me Word is a handy editing tool, but for HTML it adds huge sums of cruft. Do you have a way of avoiding that?

  6. In Word, there is an option to return everything to “Normal” formatting (2010). Then, I did have to re-space a few things, but it ended up working out fine from there.

  7. I think that one of the reasons for app-world that remains un-noticed by most people is security. When simply opening a document risks your computer… you avoid doing that.

    It’s why we have Youtube for sharing videos in a safe (to the person watching it) manner, and Flickr for sharing photos, etc… etc.

    The general public has no feasible way of getting a secure PC these days, they come with Windows, or Mac OS, or maybe even some version of Linux (Android?)…. none of which is secure, nor ever will be, no matter how much crap you put on top of the OS.

    The technical crowd that can put together something actually secure don’t understand the options in front of them, because they are too close to it, and thus think things are good enough, having prematurely optimized on Linux.

    Which leaves people like me ranting in the wilderness… we can have safe, easy to use computers which never, ever would get hacked…. but the cognitive dissonance in that statement means it gets ignored 99.9999% of the time.

  8. New year, new Cluetrain

    The Cluetrain is back in the station, with a whole load of new clues for 2015

  9. Doc: You (along with David and the other original authors) are an Internet treasure. I refer back to Cluetrain regularly. And, every time, I discover an idea or connection that hadn’t occurred to me before. So, thank you. And thank you for carrying it forward in 2015.

    Joseph: I realize this is cc, but don’t you think the renumbering of the list is contrary to the intent of the authors? The Ordered List tag isn’t your friend in this case.

  10. […] conversations,” has become a mantra of many. Now two of the authors, David Weinberger and Doc Searls have published a set of new clues topped by a warning: “all the good work we’ve done […]

  11. […] Doc Searls y David Weinberger parten ahora de un escenario diferente y apuntan dos peligros: el riesgo de que las empresas se apoderen de espacios que una vez fueron de los usuarios gracias a la recopilación sistemática de información y, lo que es más sombrío, que sean los propias personas las que lo estén permitiendo. Internet no es algo que deba ser controlado o poseído, explican. Más que una herramienta o algo físico es un lenguaje que nos permite compartir cosas. Conceptos. […]

  12. […] Cluetrain Rides Again DOC SEARLS   |  THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 2015 […]

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