Seeing is believing

hillary1I didn’t watch Monday’s debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. I listened to it, while I live blogged what I heard in a window on top of it. This was after getting up in the middle of the night at an AirBnB with terrible wi-fi in the middle of London.

While Hillary scored some strong hits toward the end of the debate, I thought Trump sounded stronger, with many more quotable one-liners. So I gave the debate to him, much as I hated to. (Put me in the #NeverTrump column.)

But in the morning everybody was giving the debate to Hillary. What did I miss?

In a word: the video. When I watched some clips, it was clear that Hillary was winning, big time. Trump looked rude and buffoonish, while Hillary did something wonderful: every so often she looked into the camera as if into a friend’s eyes, and smiled while Trump mansplained away, looking like the jerk he is.

In other words, she used video better than Trump did. And I missed it.

Not next time.

By the way, I was thirteen when the first televised debate, between Nixon and Kennedy, ran on TV. In that one too, Kennedy simply looked better. (While, as the comment below says, Nixon sounded better.)

Bonus link.


4 responses to “Seeing is believing”

  1. He agreed with her most part of what was seen an heard.
    Consistently nodding.
    Think it gave it away.
    Bonus notes:
    He did it alone, you say.
    She was over confident, ~which helped.

  2. Doc

    Watched it, and posted some running comment on FBook (mostly just to stir the pot … old man having fun)

    While Kennedy had Nixon sweating (radio gave debate to Nixon) we had Trump sniffling and drinking water, as well as making faces (Gore etc.)

    Hillary sucker punched him on the opening with comments about his father’s funding him. That was “Below the Everlast” and got to him.

    He ended up flailing near the end with near yelling “I have a better temperament”

  3. From WSJournal :
    “”If Mr. Trump had a strategy for winning Monday night’s face-off with Mrs. Clinton, it remains as secret as his plan to defeat Islamic State. The Republican nominee looked and sounded frighteningly unprepared. Split-screen shots showed him shifting his weight, rolling his eyes, impatient. Then he would open his mouth and make matters worse with rambling, self-centered responses that often trailed off into incoherence.”

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