“Bloggers unpacking issues…

…that remain hidden from public view.” That’s just one phrase just uttered by , author of and speaker at lunch here at the Berkman Center.

The talk, which is a debate/q&a, is going on now (12:44pm), and being . Strong stuff. Many of the bloggers he’s talking about are in jail or worse. From the lunch brief:

  In 2007, Australian journalist, author and blogger Antony Loewenstein traveled to Egypt, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Cuba and China to investigate how the net was challenging authoritarian regimes, the role of Western multinationals such as Google in the assistance of web filtering and how misinformed we are in the West towards states considered “enemies” or “allies”.

His subject is what may be “partly true in the west, but not true in the rest of the world.” Such as the “death” or “mainstreaming” of blogging. Which remains no less revolutionary than ever. Learn how. Tune in.

What Antony just read to the group will be posted on this afternoon.

We have an IRC at #berkman on freenode. If you’re watching and want to participate, jump on.

2 responses to ““Bloggers unpacking issues…”

  1. I wasn’t able to view the stream, but the speaker’s homepage did lead me down an interesting trail to a New York Times article about slow blogging.

    It is my belief that the rapid pace of blogging for buzz causes one to include too much emotion, and not enough thought and consideration into one’s prose. A slower, more deliberate approach to discussing the issues, with attention to including a wider audience (via search engines, for examples and counter-point), would greatly increase the overall effectiveness of blogging as a means to discuss and uncover the truth.

    A good healthy dose of the more traditional news rules (such as verifying ones sources), which are necessarily skipped in the rush to post, can’t hurt either.

    What do you think, Doc?

  2. Blogging is like talking. Or like emailing, only with cc:world. Takes all kinds.

    Some of it is impulsive and not well considered. Mine tends to be on the more slow and thoughtful side, though not always. I can be as impulsive as anybody. Often that’s fun, or important.

    Anyway, I believe there is a difference in kind between blogging for buzz and blogging for less selfish and shallow effects. Wish somebody would name both.

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