Thermal rediscovery

According to the thermometer on the dashboard of my car, it passed 100° in Boston today. In any case, it was pretty damn hot. Made working nearly impossible in an apartment with no air conditioning and little ventilation. But we had a great time hanging out with friends and driving around picking up stuff in the car. One item was a fan for the attic office/guest quarters where I’m sitting now, sweating like a boxer. The new fan is actually two in one frame. You jam it in a window and with a little remote control you can make both fans blow in or out, or one blow in while the other blows out. It has two digits in a red LCD read-out that tells you the temperature. It’s it’s over 100, it just says “HI”. I thought it was broken until I figured out that’s what the deal was.

It just dropped to 97.

I should complain. Most of my life I’ve lived in places with no AC. There was none in our house, and none in any of the schools I went to, except maybe in the offices. Also none in any of our cars. The grace of AC was not afforded to me until I bought cars with it. Most of those were junkers and in most cases the AC was one of the things that didn’t work. The whole time I lived in New Jersey and North Carolina I had two places with AC. One was a garden apartment in Hackensack, with a rattling window unit that served just the dining room. The other was a double-wide in the North Caroina backwoods. I think the AC was the only thing good about that place, other than a location that offered near-absolute solitude, except for the pig farm about a quarter mile away through the woods. Hadn’t thought about that pig farm for a long time. We had it in few of our many California houses, and not at all in the one we have now in Santa Barbara, which is about as close as you’ll find to an air conditioned climate in any case.

So, just as I had to get re-acquainted with the cold this last Boston winter, now I’ll do the same with the heat this summer, which began in earnest today, when it is still, technically, spring.

Anyway, I’m going to bed downstairs where it’s in the low 90s now.

One response to “Thermal rediscovery”

  1. Jonathan Marks Avatar
    Jonathan Marks

    Its rather frightening to walk through the aisles of many Dutch electrical stores. They have come out in a rash of (fairly) cheap Chinese air-conditioning units. For the few days that it does get above 30 in this country, most of us make do with a fan. The tragedy is that most of these units are terribly inefficient – and most customers have no clue about what size they really need to do the job properly. The result – a terrible waste of energy. Isn’t that something for public broadcasting to investigate?

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