Splogment du jour

When a blog comment to an ancient post comes into moderation and it has no relevance to that post, and the English is awful, I’m figuring it’s a splog (spam blog) comment. So I kill it.

The latest one killed went, question: How many guys ( MARRIED) feel that all they do is for not? eg… work around the house/ work for a living eg… bring home the bacon. / try to do all they can with their kids and then some. If you feel the same way i do tell my wife. That’s in response to this post from last September.

What would have happened if I had approved it? Well, in the past at least one of them turned my server into a spam slave. Or something. I just remember that the server was compromised and unscrewing it took a lot of work. The compromise came in through an old WordPress install that hadn’t been updated. One blog was killed outright and another still isn’t back.

More about the risks here. Sad that the Web has turned into a city where everybody has to bolt their doors, but … it is.

4 responses to “Splogment du jour”

  1. Just as sad that our bodies must survive constant attempts at compromise by viruses, bacteria, and larger parasites and predators.

    This is life.

    Never underestimate the ability for human beings to subvert their own humanity. The disturbing thought is that this is a survival trait…

  2. Seems a lot of the open source blog/cms systems have security issues… Search … http://www.securityfocus.com/swsearch/
    Wordpress – 17 pages
    Drupal – 8 pages
    Joomla – 21 pages
    phpBB – 35 pages
    The quantity probably isn’t the most important factor, how fast it’s patched and how fast users update is though. Updating is always a pain.

  3. Multiply your experience by thousands… and you start to see exactly why the Internet is no longer subject to Metcalfe’s law.

    It’s sad, but true.


  4. Doc the root fix for all of this is the “object capability model”… but it’ll take a lot more pain and time before it gets implemented in enough layers of code to be an effective solution.

    Inertia is great when the costs are already sunk and it does what you want. It really sucks when you figure out there’s a design flaw after it’s all built. (I.E. SMTP and Spam)


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