More fires

, the wildfire Incident Information System is following four California fires:


Grass Valley is northwest of Lake Arrowhead. Inciweb reports 113 structures lost and 1500 threatened. Slide is west of Green Valley Lake. So far 25 homes are burned and 400 are threatened. Road closures include all highways west of Big Bear Dam: 138, 18 and 330. Ranch is west of the Grapevine (I-5) and near Castaic. Here’s a fire perimiter map: a 41,000-acre oval surrounding Piru Lake. Former fires in the region (including, to the west, the Day Fire of last year) are expected to make containment easier that would otherwise be the case. So far 14 boats have been lost. The fire includes the Buckweed and Magic fires, which are converging with this one.

I’m guessing that Inciweb is not covering the San Diego fires because they don’t involve national forest land. But I’m not sure.

Meanwhile, where are the perimiter maps for the San Diego fires? What we need most are clear indications of which neighborhoods, which streets, which towns, are threatened or already lost. If any of ya’ll have that info, post it in the comments below. Thanks.

[Later…] My sister just turned me on to the latest from In the twinkling of an eye, the blog of Serge Rey, professor and chair of the Geography Department at San Diego State University. Here’s one of his latest fire maps. And another. Also these. Scroll down. Many maps there. Scary.

Serge also weighed in here, while I was posting the above. Got that last link from his comment.

4 responses to “More fires”

  1. Here are some mapping resources for the San Diego Fires:

  2. Thanks, Serge. Your comment was in moderation while I posted the pointer to your blog and maps. That only happens the first time. After that all posts go straight up.

    Great work there, and much appreciated.

    Also interesting to see we’re both from New Jersey and have Santa Barbara/UCSB backgrounds.

  3. Hey Doc,

    Yes, interesting intersections we have going there. I’m a big fan :->

    It has been pretty hectic here in SD County. I just heard (9:40am) they have evacuated over 350,000 people, which is 6x the amount for the 2003 Cedar Fire. And, I just heard they are having mandatory evacuations in parts of Del Mar, which means that fire up that way is moving towards the coast.

    Devastating is the only word I can think of.

  4. Doc–

    All news san bernardino mountains, go to

    My family has a cabin at Green Valley Lake, so I’m following news there. Also found an amazing twitter news source for SD fires at which includes links to a couple of great google maps.

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